Why’s TRON in TOP30: TRX coin

Discover TRON’s native token – Tronix (TRX). Learn about TRON inflation and how to mine TRX. In addition, get instructions on how to trade $TRX on Tokpie or acquire TRX with a bank card.

What is gone from one place shows up in the other. This law of energy’s conservation works well in the Cryptocurrencies markets too. So, after the devastating increase of Ethereum’s gas fee, many users and DAaps’ developers moved to alternative blockchains. Of course, the Binance Smart Chain and its BNB coin have become the primary beneficiary of crypto projects’ mass migration. But another side that rode that wave was the TRON blockchain with its TRX coin. Continue reading to learn more about TRON’s network, inflation, and how to mint TRX cryptocurrency. Also, you’ll find a guide on how to trade TRX coins on the Tokpie exchange.

Update: the TRON’s migrated to the new ERC20 contract: 0x50327c6c5a14DCaDE707ABad2E27eB517df87AB5.

Tron's price chart
TRX’s price chart. Weeks. USDT.

What’s TRON?

Tron is a decentralized blockchain that relies on the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) model. Primary Tron’s goal is to decentralize the Internet and its infrastructure. That’s why the team bought BitTorrent in 2018. Also, like the Ethereum chain, it has smart contracts that offer higher throughput, higher scalability, and higher availability for all Decentralized Applications in the TRON ecosystem. In this way, approximately 1% of all newly created crypto startups issue their altcoins by using the TRC-20 standard. And much like ETH cryptocurrency is for Ethereum, the Tronix (TRX) altcoin is for the Tron blockchain.

Sun Network

The Tron ecosystem has gotten the Sun Network sidechain thanks to the recent update. Such a side chain helps DApps operate on TRON with lower energy consumption, faster speed, and enhanced safety, providing unlimited capacity for TRON’s network. For example, a sender pays only a tiny fraction of the mainchain’s cost when transferring through Sun Network.

TRX's side chains
TRON’s sidechains.

What’s the TRX coin?

TRX is a cryptocurrency running on Tron’s network. People use this currency to pay gas fees on the Tron blockchain. Also, developers have to pay a fee for deploying smart contracts to the chain. Although TRX runs on many chains, this article explains only how to trade TRX coins that run on the Ethereum network on Tokpie. Besides, you can obtain Tron chain’s Tronix (TRX) with the Bank Card or Apple Pay.

  • Token Name: TRON
  • Symbol: TRX
  • Website
  • Token total supply: 101,825,507,541 (constantly updates due to Inflation).
  • TRON’s smart contract address on Ethereum is 0x50327c6c5a14DCaDE707ABad2E27eB517df87AB5.

    Old one: 0xe1be5d3f34e89de342ee97e6e90d405884da6c67.
TRX's token data
TRX’s stats.

How to mint TRX?

You must complete two steps to start earning TRX coins by minting. 

Step 1. Become a Super Representatives (SR) Candidate. Appling to SR will require advance payment of the 9999 TRX fee. Success is not guaranteed.

Step 2. After becoming an SR candidate, you could run a Witness Node. Running a witness node will require hardware with the following minimum parameters: 16 CPU, 32 RAM, and 1 TB HDD.

TRX's nodes on the map.
TRON’s nodes around the World.

How much can I earn?

The good news is that your Tron’s Witness Node doesn’t have to produce blocks to earn $TRX. For instance, if you get 1920 votes, earnings are one coin. But if you obtain 100,000 votes, the profit will be seven coins. So, output from votes can be 1-7 Tronix. The general formula is

Daily Vote Reward = Total Vote Reward (460,800) * % of Votes

Moreover, your profits can be higher if your node is elected. So, you also get block rewards due to the formula: Total Rewards = Vote Reward x brokerage ratio+ Block Reward x brokerage ratio, where the ratio is 20% by default. 

What’s TRX inflation rate?

As for now, the total TRON supply is 101,825,507,541 TRX, and it’s changing every day because of inflation. Such TRX inflation is 1.54% – 1.82% per year. The calculation is simple and consists of two parts: Votes and Block rewards. The first impact to total supply comes from Candidates’ Rewards (Vote Rewards). So, 127 individuals share 1,152,000 $TRX every 6 hours. This part of the reward equals 1,681,920,000 TRX each year. The second part comes from Super Representatives’ Reward (Block Rewards). Because the TRON Protocol network generates one block every 3 seconds, each block gives 16 TRX to Super Representatives. Therefore, 168,192,000 TRX go to Super Representatives annually.

To summarize, we have 1,850,112,000 coins increasing total supply every year. Find the approximate calculation of the Tron Inflation rates for 2022 – 2032 years in the table below. Note that sometimes the Tron DAO community decides to burn some coins. Such burnings can decrease the Tronix inflation, of course. 

YearTotal TRON supplyExtra coinsTRX

How to buy TRX token?

buy TRON Coin with bank card
Obtain $TRX with Visa, MasterCard, or Apple Pay.

To purchase TRX tokens for USDT do three simple steps:

  1. Fund your account with USDT. If you don’t have crypto, you can purchase USDT with a bank card in a few minutes.
  2. Open the TRX/USDT order book and place your trade order to buy. Use this instruction if you don’t know how to place a trade order.
  3. Withdraw TRX tokens to your personal Ethereum (ERC20) wallet or hold them on the account.

How to buy TRON with Bank Card or Apple Pay?

Use your bank card or Apple Pay to obtain TRX altcoins for your local fiat currency.

  1. Generate TRX address on the Tron wallet.
  2. Enter the generated $TRX address on the bank card processing page. Also, enter the amount of TRX and click on the “Continue” button.
  3. After getting a confirmation email, check the acceptance of $TRX tokens via Tron’s scan.

How to sell TRX tokens?

To sell TRX coins for USDT do three simple steps:

  1. Deposit TRX tokens into your account.
  2. Open the TRX/USDT order book, and place your trade order to sell. Read the instruction if you don’t know how to place a trade order.
  3. Withdraw USDT to your personal wallet (ERC20 / BEP20) or hold them on the account.

How to deposit TRX token?

To deposit the TRX token into your Tokpie account, follow this guide. Also, make sure that you are going to deposit ERC20 tokens that relate to this smart contract address. If you deposit the wrong tokens or the wrong blockchain type, Tokpie could not identify your transfer.

Note: Tokpie doesn’t charge any fees for depositing.

How to withdraw TRX coins?

To withdraw the TRX coins from your Tokpie account, use this instruction. Besides, you must have Ethereum (ERC20) compatible wallet address to be able to withdraw tokens. Also, check the withdrawal commission.


Also, please be aware that Tokpie charges a fee for the listing. Tokpie does not give any investment, legal, tax, financial advice, or warranty of token price performance.

Useful links to trade TRX coins

For any questions, contact Tokpie at https://t.me/tokpie.

Discover SPACE token: Spacelens Decentralized eCommerce Platform

Meet the working C2C e-commerce platform of A-class with an official app on App Store. Find a detailed guide on trading Spacelens (SPACE) token for cryptocurrency and your local fiat.

For sure, you have already heard that Zoom’s number of visitors reached 300M per day, and sales doubled because of pandemics. But you probably will be surprised that online P2P e-commerce had grown much more. Well, now imagine that one of the working commerce platforms starts using crypto. Meet the Spacelens! That company is in the real business since 2016 year. So, this entity issued a SPACE token in May 2021 and integrated it into its sophisticated shopping platform. Yes, even growing companies want to join the crypto and NFTs booms. Moreover, starting today, anyone can trade SPACE tokens on the Tokpie exchange for Ethereum (ETH) or buy it with a credit card for local fiat currency. Find more details below. 

List of goods on Spacelens app
Using crypto to buy goods and services on the Spacelens app

What’s the Spacelens platform?

Every day the e-commerce industry is gaining more traction thanks to the expanding landscape of available platforms. For example, the number of active buyers on eBay has already exceeded the pre-COVID19 level (look at the image below). So, Spacelens is a decentralized e-commerce platform. But the most important fact– it’s a long time (already) working platform. Download the app on AppStore, as we did. After that, you can find great deals and offers in a large number of categories. There are fashion, electronics, jewelry, beauty, books, gardening, house furniture, accessories, toys, apparel, video games, sport, diriment services, and even cars in the app. Moreover, the application uses geolocation metrics. So, buyers and sellers can match instantly, discuss the deal, and trade locally. 

Number of users on eBay
eBay user base growth

The leading Spacelens platform’s features consist of the following:

  • Creating, listing, and selling products to your local community
  • Finding, searching, and contacting counterparties through chats and messages
  • Using the camera to take pictures, videos, and AR content with geo-targeting.
  • Studying what other users sell around you
  • Checking users’ offers on the map and navigate with your GPS
  • Following other people and locations on your feed 
  • Getting a personal nickname and share it with others.
How the SPACE app looks
Spacelens’s app Main page

What are the plans?

The team has realistic plans. They want to launch the integration of Spacelens smart wallet within its mobile & desktop platform. Also, the platform will get decentralized store management and listing creation on the blockchain. Moreover, users could trade the nonfungible tokens (NFTs) and digital goods with diverse capabilities. In addition, people could access the app on Android devices. And finally, sellers could use the SPACE tokens to settle transactions and gateway to local fiat.

Spacelens’s advantages

The Spacelens has developed an advanced eCommerce platform that offers unique capabilities to its users and has gained traction in the online marketplace industry: 

  • Its parent company has been established in 2016, based in Los Angeles with offices in Madrid, Spain 
  • Over five years of technical and software development to ensure the capability and scalability of its platforms
  • Successfully launched an eCommerce marketplace through a website and mobile application where buyers and sellers can buy, sell, and exchange goods and services 
  • Available today on all continents and translated to 5 different languages 
  • The unique use of geo-localization and proximity data to enhance local commerce 
  • Large amounts of offerings already exist on the platform in various categories ranging from electronics, houseware, fashion, sports, video games, and beauty and health, among others 
  • Usage of the latest technologies to formulate, offer and create eCommerce experiences, including Augmented Reality and the Blockchain.
Product profile on Spacelens's app
Product profile on the app

What’s the SPACE token?

SPACE is an ERC20 token usable inside the Spacelens platform and more. But what’s the purpose of that cryptocurrency? Well, Spacelens is introducing its SPACE token and smart contract platform to provide users with a crypto-backed tool for buying, selling, exchanging, using, implementing, and managing their eCommerce presence and brands, among other evolving features. Therefore, buyer, sellers, developers, content creators, partners, distributors, and adjacent online communities from all over the world increase their engagements at the Spacelens platform.

How to buy SPACE tokens?

To purchase SPACE tokens for ETH do three simple steps:

  1. Fund your account with ETH. If you don’t have crypto, you can purchase ETH with a bank card in a few minutes.
  2. Open the SPACE/ETH order book and place your trade order to buy. Use this instruction if you don’t know how to place a trade order.
  3. Withdraw SPACE tokens to your personal Ethereum wallet or hold them on the account.

How to buy SPACE with Bank Card or Apple Pay?

buy SPACE with bank card
Obtain SPACE with Visa, MasterCard, or Apple Pay

Use your bank card or Apple Pay to obtain SPACE tokens for your local fiat currency.

  1. Log in and generate the ETH address by clicking on the [+ Deposit] button here.
  2. Enter the generated ETH address on the bank card processing page. Also, enter the amount of ETH and click on the “Continue” button.
  3. After getting a confirmation email, obtain SPACE tokens here.

How to sell SPACE tokens?

To sell SPACE token for ETH follow three steps:

  1. Deposit SPACE tokens on your account.
  2. Open the SPACE/ETH order book, and place your trade order to sell. Read the instruction if you don’t know how to place a trade order.
  3. Withdraw ETH to your personal Ethereum wallet or hold them on the account.

How to deposit SPACE token?

To deposit SPACE tokens into your Tokpie account, follow this guide. Also, make sure that you are going to deposit ERC20 tokens that relate to this smart contract address. If you deposit the wrong tokens or the wrong blockchain type, Tokpie could not identify your transfer.

Note: Tokpie doesn’t charge any fees for depositing.

How to withdraw SPACE token?

To withdraw SPACE tokens from your Tokpie account, use this instruction. Besides, you must have an eth compatible wallet address to be able to withdraw tokens. Also, check the withdrawal commission.


In addition, please be aware that Tokpie charges a fee for the listing. Tokpie does not give any investment, legal, tax, financial advice, or warranty of token price performance or successful fundraising.

Useful links to trade SPACE tokens

For any questions or cooperation, you can contact Tokpie at https://t.me/tokpie.

How to Add Token to Trezor List

Find the ultimate guide on how to add your token to the list of coins supported by Trezor.

Do you want to make your ERC20 token more attractive for buyers, traders, and holders? If the answer is yes, then read the guide below. You will know how to add your ERC20 token to the List of all coins & tokens supported by Trezor. Moreover, it’s free of charge.

Also, make your token more attractive at no cost by:

How to add a token to the List of coins & tokens supported by Trezor?

Follow eight simple steps to add your Ethereum token to the Trezor List.

Step 1. Get a token address in ERC-55 format

Use this application to convert your token’s smart contract address to the ERC-55 format. To pass Trezor verification you should use the ERC-55 address format in the steps described below.

Step 2. Open Github

After signing Github, go to that page.

Step 3. Create a File on Github

Click on the Add file button. Then press on ‘Create new file’.

create new file
Create a file on GitHub

Step 4. Enter the name

Enter the name of your file. It should be your ERC20 token’s smart contract address but in ERC-55 format. Example: 0x3D371413dd5489F3A04C07c0C2CE369c20986ceb.json
Don’t forget to add a .json extension into the file name.

file name and code
Enter file name and code

Step 5. Write the code

The simplest way to write code for your token is to copy the example below. Just copy-paste the code below and edit by entering your token parameters. Replace YOUC with your token symbol, enter your token smart contract address, decimals, and so on.

  "symbol": "YOUC",
  "address": "0x3D371413dd5489F3A04C07c0C2CE369c20986ceb",
  "decimals": 10,
  "name": "yOUcash",
  "type": "ERC20",
  "ens_address": "",
  "website": "https://youengine.io",
  "logo": {
    "src": "https://i.ibb.co/jV6Ymn4/youc-lolo-square-128x128.png",
    "width": "128",
    "height": "128",
    "ipfs_hash": ""
  "support": {
    "email": "info@youengine.io",
    "url": "https://youengine.io"
  "social": {
    "blog": "",
    "chat": "",
    "facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/YouEngineOfficial",
    "forum": "",
    "github": "",
    "gitter": "",
    "instagram": "",
    "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/youengine-io",
    "reddit": "",
    "slack": "",
    "telegram": "https://t.me/YouEngineGroup",
    "twitter": "https://twitter.com/younive87630435",
    "youtube": "https://www.youtube.com/c/YOUengine"

Note that the required parameters that you must include in the code are:

  • symbol: Short ticker-style symbol of your token.
  • name: long token name token (take it from Ethercsan).
  • address: Ethereum address of ERC-20 token, but in ERC-55 format
  • decimals: The decimals of the token. As a Number and not a String.

Optional parameters are the following:

  • logo: An optional logo of your token. Must be a square (recommended: 128×128) PNG w/ transparent background.
  • support: A support email, support URL, or other way people can get assistance regarding the token.
  • website: the link to your project website, and
  • other links to your project’s social accounts.

We suggest you include as many as possible parameters.

Step 6. Check and confirm

After you entered the file name and code (as on the picture above), scroll down and click on ‘Propose new file’

propose new file on github
Propose your file on GitHub

Step 7. Create a pull request

Confirm your submission two times, as shown below. Also, you can add a comment like “Add [your token name] token.” As a result, you create a Pull Request.

create pull request
Create Pull Request on Github
confirm PR creation
Confirm pull request creation

Step 8. Wait for checking

If you successfully created the file (without any errors) then you see the status of your Pull request as verified (colored green on the picture below).

additional verification
Pull request checking

Note that your request will require additional checking. Trezor’s authorized team will do it. Your need just to wait to pass it.

Also, you can check the status of your request in this folder.
The gray color means that the request is under checking. A green checkmark indicates that Pull Request has successfully passed Trezor checking.

Status of your request
Checking status

Trezor team will review your issue and give feedback. They will confirm if they would like to add your token in the firmware. Otherwise, they will decline. Please note that they can not merge each and every token.

When your Pull Request successfully passes all checking, you see it in this section. It means that Pull Requests merged into the Master. After that, just wait for the next Trezor firmware update to see your token in the List.

Ethereum list of tokens
Pull Request successfully merged to master

Step 9. Check your token on Trezor

After you completed all the above steps, start checking (periodically) your token’s symbol in Trezor’s list.

  • Go to that page and enter your token’s symbol into the search bar
  • if you correctly submitted the application, you will see that your asset is coming soon. It means will be added to the Trezor’s devices soon.
your project's token on Trezor
Check your token on the Trezor’s listt

I can’t pass Trezor verification. What to do?

If you can not pass the verification, then review your code, fix errors, and create a file again as described in 1-7 Steps above. If it doesn’t help, contact us via telegram, and we will help.

What’s the Trezor?

Trezor is a hardware wallet. Many thousands of people use it to safely store their coins and tokens. Trezor is a small device. A simple connection to your computer with a USB cable allows you to make all operations with your cryptocurrencies.

what's a Trezor
Trezor hardware wallet

Moreover, Trezor allows making secure payments without exposing your private keys to a potentially compromised computer.

Nowadays, many online exchanges and wallet providers can be hacked or just disappear. So, a hardware wallet like a Trezor is the safest way to manage cryptocurrencies.

What’s the List of coins & tokens supported by Trezor?

The list of coins and tokens supported by Trezor is a list of cryptocurrencies. There are more than 1631 coins and tokens on the list right now.

So, if a crypto asset is on that list then Trezor’s users can search it by using name and symbol. If your token is not in the list, then Trezor’s users have to use a smart contract address to find your token.

Fortunately, your token doesn’t have to be a Top 30 cryptocurrency to be added to the list. Also, you don’t have to pay to be added.

What are the benefits of being on Trezor’s List?

The first benefit that you get is a promotion. After adding your token to the Trezor list of coins, you can publish great news. That achievement can inspire your project’s community.

The second benefit is the growth of trust among the holders of your token. Especially it might be necessary for new big buyers of your coins.

Finally, all Trezor users can easily search for your token inside the wallet by using just its name or symbol. Users can also see your token’s logo inside the Trezor interface.

So what’re you waiting for? Add your ERC20 token to the List of coins & tokens supported by Trezor for free. It’ll make your token a much more reliable and attractive asset for all existing and potential token-holders.

Useful Links to grow a token

For any questions or cooperation, you can contact Tokpie at https://t.me/tokpie

TOKPIE (TKP) Listed on Uniswap with Huge Liquidity Pool!

Find the best way to Trade TKP with $100k liquidity on Uniswap. Also, learn how to join the pool to earn returns everyday!

That’s the mega-great news fellows. TOKPIE (TKP) token is now on Uniswap – a unique decentralized exchange, admired by thousands of people. But the most exciting news is that the size of the liquidity pool is $100k at that moment! 

So, you can now easily swap (trade) TKP on Uniswap. Moreover, anyone can join the TKP pool to earn money every day! Yeah dear friends, welcome to the DeFi world!

How to trade TKP on Uniswap?

Trading TKP on Uniswap is so easy. You don’t need to register anywhere and pass KYC. All that you need is just to have a MetaMask installed on your Chrome browser or smartphone. Follow three simple steps to perform a trade:

  1. Open Uniswap swap page and connect it to your wallet where TKP tokens are stored.
  2. Enter the amount of TKP you want to swap out (sell) or swap in (buy)
  3. Confirm the transaction. 
swap TKP and YOUC
Trade TKP on Uniswap

As the result, you will get a highly liquid YOUC token.

Note: To trade on Uniswap you must have some ETH on your wallet for gas fee payment. Also, note that you can use not only MetaMask. Uniswap connects with many wallets’ providers such as Trust Wallet, Coinbase, Formatic, Rainbow, Argent, imToken, Pillar, Safe, and Math.

How to join TKP pool and earn money on Uniswap?

To join the TKP liquidity pool and start earning money (learn how much) you need to perform the following steps.

  1. Open the ‘Add Liquidity’ page and input the amounts of assets you want to deposit into the pool.
  2. Connect your wallet (for example via MetaMask) 
  3. Confirm the transaction.

Learn what is a pool from Uniswap’s manual. Note that you need to have some ETH for the gas fee. Also, you must have TKP and YOUC tokens to add them to the pool. If you don’t have TKP, buy it here. If you don’t have YOUC then buy it on any of these exchanges.

How much can I earn? 

You will start earning a 0.3% fee from the pool contract on every transaction. This fee is divided between all liquidity providers proportionally to their share. For example, if you provide 40% of the pool’s liquidity, you earn 40% of the collected fee. The higher your share in the pool the more returns you get. Learn more about returns here

Add Liquidity TKP and YOUC
Add Liquidity (TKP and YOUC) to start earning on Uniswap

Note that you need to have some ETH for the gas fee. Also, you shall have TKP and YOUC tokens to deposit them into the pool.

What is Uniswap?

The Uniswap is a TOP #1 decentralized exchange. It’s so popular because of an open-source automated liquidity protocol that operates on Ethereum. It has a 60% market share among all other DEXs. The exchange has around $350M daily volume and more than 70,000 active users from all over the world. The number of users is growing every day.

Currently, the Uniswap exchange works as Uniswap V2. The second release supports fantastic features. They are ERC20 to ERC20 token swaps, time-weighted average pricing, and the ability to borrow tokens from the pools.

What is TOKPIE (TKP) token?

TKP is the ERC20 token issued by Tokpie exchange. This is the First ever Cryptocurrency Exchange that provides BOUNTY STAKES TRADING

YOU can find more information about the TKP token price on CMC and CoinGecko

TKP token-holders get a 500% discount on fees, access to the bounty stakes depositing, and regular airdrops. Also, TOKPIE tokens allow to take P2P loans with 90% LTV and earn on TKP token staking. Learn more about the TKP utility value here

What is YOUcash (YOUC) token?

YOUC token is also Ethereum based token issued by the YOUengine platform. The YOUengine is a decentralized, tokenized advertising platform where over 200 million advertisers connect with 4 billion users who get paid to watch ads. Many top exchanges like BitForex and CoinBene have already listed YOUC token.

Exchanges that list YOUCC
List of exchanges listing YOUC

The utility value of YOUC consists of direct, fast, and cheap cross-border transactions between advertisers and YOUapp users. 

Useful links

Get Ethereum (ETH) by Selling Bounty Stakes. Video Guide for Beginners

Discover the first video tutorial showing how to deposit and trade crypto bounty stakes!

Watch the easiest way to receive ETH, USDC long before any bounty distribution. Learn how to deposit and trade bounty stakes. Get a $10 bonus!


This guide is all about the simple way to get Ethereum (ETH), USDC, or TKP by selling bounty stakes.

In the beginning we explain an important concept you need to understand about bounty stakes trading. Everyone who has an internet connection can join the listed bounty campaigns to earn some bounty stakes. Moreover, you don’t need to wait 3-6 months for bounty distribution. Instead, sell the bounty stakes long before tokens distribution to get Ethereum or USDC immediately.

In the first section, we walk through steps to deposit bounty stakes. You can do it even if you don’t have enough TKP for the collateral!

In the second part of this video guide, we walk through the process of actually trading bounty stakes and getting Ethereum.

In the final step, we walk through getting the collateral back to your account.

If you have any additional questions about how to sell and buy bounty stakes, feel free to contact us through Telegram.

Thank you for taking the time to check out our video guide. It will help many beginners to get ETH by selling bounty stakes.

Watch how to get ETH or USDC by selling bounty stakes. +$10 BONUS inside!

Know how to deposit bounty stakes

Watch part one to know how to top up your Tokpie account with Bounty stakes.

  • 00:13 – Important things to understand about bounty stakes trading
  • 00:54 – Table of contents
  • 01:13 – Infographic showing when you can deposit bounty stakes
  • 01:19 – Signing up Tokpie exchange
  • 01:55 – Applying to 1000 TKP bonus (can be used only as collateral)
  • 03:07 – Filling profile
  • 03:37 – Depositing of bounty stakes (applicable to any listed bounty)
  • 04:28 – Order book opening for trading bounty stake. Alternatively, you can open an order book by clicking on the related line in the Market Statistics page or in the Crypto Bounty Analyzer.

Watch how to trade bounty stakes

In part two, you will see how to get ETH (or USDC) by selling bounty stakes.

  • 04:47 – Infographic showing when you can trade bounty stakes
  • 04:59 – crypto bounty stakes selling
  • 05:40 – getting Ethereum (ETH). Note, that you can get USDC instead of ETH if you want.

Learn how to unlock collateral

The final part shows you how to get the TKP collateral back.

  • 06:52 – Infographic showing when you can get TKP collateral back.
  • 07:00 – Unlocking TKP collateral

Useful links

For any question or cooperation, you can contact Tokpie at https://t.me/tokpie

Bitpayer (BPT) Trading Competition

Know how to win rewards just by trading the BPT tokens.


Congratulations to all the participants! The competition has successfully finished. Find relusts in the table below.

The following winners have received prize BPT on their accounts:

RankingLogin EmailBPT prize ?

Thanks for your participation! This competition was a great chance to get a share in the 100 000 Bitpayer Token (BPT) prize pool.

Prize pool

100,000 BPT will be allocated among participants as follow:

  • 25,000 BPT for the first place
  • 15,000 BPT for the second place
  • 10,000 BPT for the third place
  • 50,000 BPT will be allocated to the 4th-20th places due to trade volumes.

How to join BPT trading competition

Buy or sell Bitpayer token here ? BPT/ETH, to become a participant automatically. Learn what is BPT token and how to trade it here.

Your trade volumes are counted and considered for the distribution of the prize pool.


BPT trading competition period: May 10, 2020, 14:00 UTC – May 30, 2020, 14:00 UTC.

Trading Ranking List

RankingLogin EmailTrading Volume

Updated May 30 at 14:00 UTC.

Tokpie updates trading volumes regularly. If you have just joined (made any trade with BPT) then you appear in the table within the next 48 hours.

BPT Trading competition rules

Winners are determined by the total amount of generated trading volume for the period from May 10 to May 30;
You can buy and sell BPT
Look at your progress in the table; updated every 24h.
Tokpie reserves the right to disqualify trades that are deemed to be wash trades or display attributes of market manipulation
Tokpie reserves the right to cancel or amend the Competition or Competition Rules at our sole discretion.

What is Bitpayer Token (BPT)

Bitpayer is a new decentralized exchange that supports the Ethereum type of tokens.

Useful links

  • Join YOUengine airdrop. A new project supports by John McAfee.
  • Earn ETH, USDC, YOUC, TKP by participating in YOUengine bounty.

For any question or cooperation, you can contact Tokpie at https://t.me/tokpie

Get ETH and USDC by Selling YOUC Bounty Stakes Before Tokens Distribution

Stop waiting for YOUC tokens distribution, get paid for work even before doing any bounty task.

Update: The trading of YOUC bounty stakes has been finished on November 10, 2020, 23:59 UTC.

If you hold YOUC bounty stakes on Tokpie account after November 10, 2020, 23:59 UTC, then you receive YOUC tokens until November 12, 2020, 23:59 UTC in accordance with the Conversion Rates stated in the table below.

Bounty stake titleYOUC tokens
YOUC_CA_Stake_R1_Signature4 198
YOUC_CA_Stake_R1_Telegram5 484
YOUC_CA_Stake_R1_Translation11 905
YOUC_CA_Stake_R1_Reddit2 232
YOUC_CA_Stake_R2_Signature4 839
YOUC_CA_Stake_R2_Reddit1 198
YOUC_CA_Stake_R3_Turbo6 000
YOUC_CA_Stake_R3_Signature5 076
YOUC_CA_Stake_R4_Turbo2 016
YOUC_CA_Stake_R4_Signature2 451

All participants of YOUengine Bounty had a unique option! They could get ETH, USDC, and TKP long before YOUC tokens distribution. To get the money they could, simply sell YOUengine bounty stakes on Tokpie exchange in three steps.

Watch the video guide

Step 1. Deposit bounty stakes

You can deposit any amount of YOUC Bounty stakes on your Tokpie account balance as explained here. You can do it even before earning bounty stakes! So, take the money now and then join bounty to earn YOUC bounty stakes.

Depositing is available only until October 27, 2020, when YOUengine bounty distribution starts.

Step 2. Sell bounty stakes to get TKP, ETH, UDSC

After bounty stakes depositing, you can sell them to get TKP. This option is available only until October 27, 2020, when YOUengine bounty distribution starts.

You can get ETH or USDC at any moment by selling (if want) TKP in the TKP/ETH and TKP/USDC markets.


  • Also, You can purchase YOUC bounty stakes to get more YOUC tokens after bounty distribution.
  • Check all bounty stakes prices and catch the right moment to trade with the Bounty Analyzer.

Step 3. Settle your obligation

After depositing bounty stakes, you must settle them at any time before October 27, 2020, or within 48 hours after YOUC tokens distribution as described here.


Q: How bounty stakes trading works?
A: Read a bounty stakes trading description.

Q: Shall I pay for trading bounty stakes?
A: Yes, small trade fees and withdrawal commissions are applied.

Q: May I see some feedback on how it works?
A: Yes, Tokpie exchange provides bounty stakes trading service since September 2018. Read all feedbacks in the ANN thread dedicated to the Bounty Stakes Trading or watch this video.

Q: What is the Tokpie?
A: Tokpie is the first cryptocurrency exchange that provides a unique Bounty Stake Trading service to hunters, cryptocurrency traders & investors.

For any questions, you can contact us at https://t.me/tokpie

DAI Сryptocurrency in the Ocean of Stablecoins

Know how to trade and earn Dai stablecoin that gives you a financial freedom with no volatility. Discover all its other advantages.

Due to the most recent Coingecko research, the rise of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) projects will be one of the main trends in the future. Nowadays, one of the most popular DeFi projects is MakerDAO that designed DAI cryptocurrency.

shows DeFi trend chart
Total USD value locked in DeFi

What is DAI

DAI is a completely decentralized stablecoin pegged to the US dollar. 1 Dai stablcoin = 1 USD. This is the first unbiased stablecoin in the World being soft-pegged to the US Dollar.

DAI advantages

The main advantages are:

  • Safety and stability
  • Anyone can issue
  • Growing adoption

What makes it safe and stable

Most popular stablecoins such as USDT and USDC are centralized and govern by its issuing companies. So, there are high risks that government authorities and banks will suddenly arrest and lock issuing companies’ assets on accounts. It could lead to the inability to exchange USDC or USDT to fiat USD or any other valuable cryptocurrencies. On the other hand, DAI is governed by Ethereum based smart contracts. These smart contracts collect collaterals (ETH, BAT, and other valuable cryptocurrencies, which the community chooses) from users who want to issue DAI. Therefore, it doesn’t depend on banks’ tight rules and crypto-negative politicians’ decisions because of being based on smart contracts. In addition, the usage of different assets pledged as collateral makes it more stable.

How to issue

Instead of simply buying DAI on exchanges, anyone can issue (create) it, in the five steps:

  1. Connect your wallet to Oasis app.
  2. Click on Get Started
  3. Select collateral (currently ETH or BAT)
  4. Walkthrough the vault management
  5. Generate it and confirm

The result, you will lock your crypto assets (ETH or BAT) as collateral to generate DAI.

IMPORTANT: the issuance of Dai is like borrowing that will have a cost called ‘stability fee’. Such a fee may vary. At the moment of writing the article, the fee is 8.00%.

connect a wallet
Connect your wallet to Oasis app
Start the process of genration
Start generating stablecoin
choose collateral
Select collateral and continue the process

What is the adoption rate

One of the most objective ways to check the adoption rate for any Ethereum based cryptocurrency is to look at a smart contract. The analysis of its smart contact shows a strong uptrend in the number of unique senders. (users).

growing number of token senders
The number of unique senders

What is DAI used for

Dai Stablecoin can be used for the following:

  • hold value without a bank account
  • protect a value if you leave in economies suffering high inflation rates
  • make mass payments to people in a borderless and the cheapest way

Regardless of bank holidays and other factors, you always have access to your value stored in DAI. You can easily transfer it to anyone and anywhere in seconds and with several cents as a transaction fee. Hence, this is a great alternative to any bank operations nominated in US Dollars.

What is MakerDAO

MakerDAO (Maker) is a decentralized organization aiming to stabilize the crypto economy. To reach this goal the Maker unlocks the power of decentralized finance (DeFi) for everyone by creating an inclusive platform for economic empowerment; enabling everyone with equal access to the global financial marketplace. Moreover, eligible members of the MakerDAO community govern, maintain and manage DAI token.

HOW to buy DAI with Bank Card

You can now buy DAI with a credit card or debit card.
The minimal amount starts from $50
Maximum is $50,000
You can use Visa and MasterCard.

How to trade DAI

To trade DAI with the best spreads, click on the related button below.

Depositing fee: 0
Trading fee: 0.02% – 0.10% (depend on plan)
Withdrawing fee: 1 DAI

No KYC for withdrawals below: $2500/day
Spread: 0.01-0.1%

In addition, thanks to the growing adoption, you can buy and sell it on many other markets. Due to the CoinMarketCap stats, you can trade it on more than 64 markets supported by +22 exchanges. Also, you can easily find a pair you need by using CoinGecko. To trade, simply click on a Pair in the lists provided by CMC or CoinGecko.

Note that by generating DAI instead of purchasing, you can catch the potential upside of your crypto.

How to earn DAI

The best way to earn DAI is to lend it and get a return. There are two ways how to do it.
First, you can use the Oasis platform to save it. Oasis allows you to earn the Savings Rate set by the Maker community.

Oasis platform allows to save DAI
Connect your wallet to earn stablecoin

Second, you can lend any amount of DAI for the most competitive rates in a P2P mode on Tokpie exchange. This feature will appear soon.
The main difference between Oasis and Tokpie is in the way how interest rates are defined. Maker Comunity defines saving rates on Oasis, while only lenders and borrowers set interest rates on Tokpie.

Useful links

Get Money Immediately: Sell PGPAY Bounty Stakes for ETH, USDC, TKP Before Distribution

No need to wait for distribution, get paid for bounty work even before doing any tasks

Update: The trading of PGPAY bounty stakes has been finished on February 21, 2020, 23:59 UTC.

Everyone who holds PGPAY bounty stakes on his Tokpie account balance after Feb. 21, 2020, 23:59 UTC will receive PGPAY tokens until Feb. 23, 2020, 23:59 UTC in accordance with the Conversion Rates stated below:

  • 111.7 PGPAY per one PGPAY_CA_Stake_Signature
  • 2.8 PGPAY per one PGPAY_CA_Stake_Facebook
  • 5.0 PGPAY per one PGPAY_CA_Stake_Twitter
  • 12.0 PGPAY per one PGPAY_CA_Stake_Medium
  • 80.9 PGPAY per one PGPAY_CA_Stake_Telegram

It was a great option for all participants of PGPay Bounty to get ETH, USDC, and TKP long before token distribution by selling PGPAY bounty stakes on Tokpie exchange as explained below.

Deposit bounty stakes

You can deposit any amount of PGPAY Bounty stakes on your Tokpie account balance as explained here.

Sell bounty stakes

After stakes depositing, sell them for any price you want to get TKP, Ethereum (ETH), or USDC as shown here. You may also purchase PGPAY bounty stakes to get more PGPAY tokens after distribution.

Settle your obligation

Settle your obligation at any time or soon after PGPAY tokens distribution as described here.


Q: How bounty stakes trading works?
A: Read a bounty stakes trading description.

Q: Shall I pay for trading bounty stakes?
A: Yes, small trade fees and withdrawal commissions are applied.

Q: May I see some feedbacks for how it works?
A: Sure, Tokpie exchange provides its services since September 2018. Read all feedbacks in the ANN thread dedicated to the Bounty Stakes Trading 

Q: What is the Tokpie?
A: Tokpie is the first cryptocurrency exchange that provides a unique Bounty Stake Trading service to hunters, cryptocurrency traders & investors.

Useful Links

TOKPIE (TKP) Listed on Saturn.Network Exchange

Additional listing was made to get new users and TKP token holders

We are excited to announce that TOKPIE (TKP) token has been listed on Saturn.Network exchange.

Tokpie is the first cryptocurrency exchange platform in the World with Bounty Stakes Trading service.

Saturn Network (Saturn) is a rapidly growing decentralized exchange DAO which is compatible with all EVM blockchains. It’s almost listed on CoinMartketCap.

Useful Links