That’s the mega-great news fellows. TOKPIE (TKP) token is now on Uniswap – a unique decentralized exchange, admired by thousands of people. But the most exciting news is that the size of the liquidity pool is $100k at that moment!
So, you can now easily swap (trade) TKP on Uniswap. Moreover, anyone can join the TKP pool to earn money every day! Yeah dear friends, welcome to the DeFi world!
How to trade TKP on Uniswap?
Trading TKP on Uniswap is so easy. You don’t need to register anywhere and pass KYC. All that you need is just to have a MetaMask installed on your Chrome browser or smartphone. Follow three simple steps to perform a trade:
- Open Uniswap swap page and connect it to your wallet where TKP tokens are stored.
- Enter the amount of TKP you want to swap out (sell) or swap in (buy)
- Confirm the transaction.
As the result, you will get a highly liquid YOUC token.
Note: To trade on Uniswap you must have some ETH on your wallet for gas fee payment. Also, note that you can use not only MetaMask. Uniswap connects with many wallets’ providers such as Trust Wallet, Coinbase, Formatic, Rainbow, Argent, imToken, Pillar, Safe, and Math.
How to join TKP pool and earn money on Uniswap?
To join the TKP liquidity pool and start earning money (learn how much) you need to perform the following steps.
- Open the ‘Add Liquidity’ page and input the amounts of assets you want to deposit into the pool.
- Connect your wallet (for example via MetaMask)
- Confirm the transaction.
Learn what is a pool from Uniswap’s manual. Note that you need to have some ETH for the gas fee. Also, you must have TKP and YOUC tokens to add them to the pool. If you don’t have TKP, buy it here. If you don’t have YOUC then buy it on any of these exchanges.
How much can I earn?
You will start earning a 0.3% fee from the pool contract on every transaction. This fee is divided between all liquidity providers proportionally to their share. For example, if you provide 40% of the pool’s liquidity, you earn 40% of the collected fee. The higher your share in the pool the more returns you get. Learn more about returns here.
Note that you need to have some ETH for the gas fee. Also, you shall have TKP and YOUC tokens to deposit them into the pool.
What is Uniswap?
The Uniswap is a TOP #1 decentralized exchange. It’s so popular because of an open-source automated liquidity protocol that operates on Ethereum. It has a 60% market share among all other DEXs. The exchange has around $350M daily volume and more than 70,000 active users from all over the world. The number of users is growing every day.
Currently, the Uniswap exchange works as Uniswap V2. The second release supports fantastic features. They are ERC20 to ERC20 token swaps, time-weighted average pricing, and the ability to borrow tokens from the pools.
What is TOKPIE (TKP) token?
TKP is the ERC20 token issued by Tokpie exchange. This is the First ever Cryptocurrency Exchange that provides BOUNTY STAKES TRADING.
YOU can find more information about the TKP token price on CMC and CoinGecko.
TKP token-holders get a 500% discount on fees, access to the bounty stakes depositing, and regular airdrops. Also, TOKPIE tokens allow to take P2P loans with 90% LTV and earn on TKP token staking. Learn more about the TKP utility value here.
What is YOUcash (YOUC) token?
YOUC token is also Ethereum based token issued by the YOUengine platform. The YOUengine is a decentralized, tokenized advertising platform where over 200 million advertisers connect with 4 billion users who get paid to watch ads. Many top exchanges like BitForex and CoinBene have already listed YOUC token.
The utility value of YOUC consists of direct, fast, and cheap cross-border transactions between advertisers and YOUapp users.