Grow Token Liquidity on PancakeSwap or Uniswap: Popular Altcoins DApp

How to constantly grow Token Liquidity on PancakeSwap or Uniswap. How to stand out from other altcoins and attract potential buyers. Use the Popular Altcoins DApp for Free.

How to get token liquidity on PancakeSwap

The dark side of the cryptocurrency boom is the myriad of blockchain projects coming to the market every day and every hour. So, it’s hard to stand out as a token from many other crypto assets around. Therefore, even the most fantastic startup gets lost in a crowd. Worst of all, a promising but low-budget project cannot attract investors by locking massive liquidity on PancakeSwap or Uniswap DEX. Fortunately, Tokpie has launched the Popular Altcoins DApp to solve these problems. Let’s find out how this decentralized application works. How it helps a crypto project to grow token liquidity on PancakeSwap and Uniswap at no cost. Simultaneously, it helps to increase the number of holders for your coin. Also, you’ll learn how to add a token to the Popular Altcoins list. 

The Popular Altcoins DApp is a protocol that automatically sorts tokens by the number of votes. A resulting list of assets – Popular Altcoins List, allows investors to define crypto unicorns quickly. Simultaneously, the juiciest projects gain additional traffic and liquidity with the increasing votes.

List of Top Altcoins
List of Popular Coins.

For example, anyone can vote for your project by liking it (for free), buying your token, or staking it on PancakeSwap/Uniswap. So, the more people like, stake, or buy your cryptocurrency, the higher your rank on the Popular Altcoins List. Moreover, the DApp calculates votes in a decentralized and unbiased mode to move coins with the highest number of votes to the top of the List. Yes, so simple. So, add your currency now. Don’t wait because the app adds a Liquidity Bonus to your cryptocurrency every hour

How does it increase the liquidity of my token on PanckaSwap and Uniswap?

All fees and commissions from your token’s market running on the Tokpie exchange (CEX) go to your Liquidity pool. As a result, the total liquidity of your coin is constantly growing. Furthermore, your liquidity increases whenever someone buys your token or stakes it on PanckaSwap or Uniswap. Also, assess the top-rated cryptocurrency tracking solutions.

How does it attract buyers to my token?

Potential buyers can immediately notice your token in the Popular Altcoins List and buy it on famous DEXs (PancakeSwap/Uniswap) and Tokpie CEX. Why? Because the developers put the List on the main Tokpie page with the fast-growing traffic. Moreover, the team constantly attracts investors by promoting through social channels and other crypto-related media. Besides, many TKP-holders are always looking for new crypto projects for investments.

How does the DApp work? 

The Popular Altcoin DApp works by constantly retrieving data from two blockchains. These blockchains are Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum networks. So, the application automatically increases the number of votes for your project when someone buys your token on PancakeSwap or Uniswap for TKP. Also, the app raises the number of votes when someone adds liquidity into the pool. Furthermore, the votes’ number grows when users click on the Like button on your startup’s Profile page (like that). Simultaneously, the protocol has protection against auto-bot voters. So, the cheating projects cannot appear on the top of the List.

Profile page for your token
A Profile page where people vote for your coin by Liking, Buying, or Staking.

Adding a token into the Popular Altcoins DApp consist of two simple steps explained below: 

1. List token on Tokpie 

Listing on Tokpie centralized exchange is a fast and easy process. If Tokpie already supports your coin, proceed with step #2 below. If not, Apply to List now or win a free token listing through the Self-listing & Fundraising DApp. As a result, you unlock many other advantages that include listing your altcoins on the main crypto-trackers such as Coingecko, CMC, Coincodex, Coinpaprika, CoinCheckUp, Livecoinwatch, and more. 

2. Fill short form

After you list your token on Tokpie, fill out a one-minute form. As a result, the Dapp could display the correct information in your token’s profile. After the form’s submission. the team contacts you via email within 2-12 hours.

How to create a pool (pair)?

Then, create a pool on PancakeSwap or Uniswap. You must do it by providing your tokens and TKP altcoin (ERC20 or BEP20). Note that any person can do that. Moreover, you can create a pool of any size and withdraw funds at any time because there is no LP locking.

So, appearing on Popular Altcoins’ DApp is FREE because you can withdraw your LP at any time after your currency appears in Popular Altcoin DApp!

After the pool’s creation, send its address (0x..) to [email protected]. That’s it. As a result, you appear on the Popular Altcoin DApp within 24 hours. Besides, you will get a unique Profile Page where people can buy, stake, like, and vote for your cryptocurrency, indefinitely raising your brand awareness and liquidity. Besides, providing liquidity gives you revenue in the form of trading fees whenever users swap in this liquidity pool.

If you don’t know how to create a pool, open the following guides:

Tokpie team monitors the Popular Altcoins List to provide the top 5 coins with valuable services for free every month.

How to increase the rank: Liquidity Bonus

Get Liqudiity Bonus for your cryptocurrency
The app recalculates Liqudiity Bonus every hour and adds it to the number of total Upvotes for your coin.

Apart from the basic ways to increase the rank (getting users’ likes, purchases, and stakes), there is a liquidity bonus. What’s that? A liquidity bonus allows projects to get additional upvotes. Every hour, the DApp adds +0.1% upvotes due to the amount of TKP in a [your token]-[TKP] pool on PancakeSwap or Uniswap. For example, if a pool contains 1000 TKP, the app gives +1 upvotes every hour. As a result, the projects with more liquid pools have more chances to appear on the top of the Populat Altcoins List.

Additional ways to boost cryptocurrency for free

Also, consider migrating to popular blockchains such as Ethereum blockchain, TON ecosystem, Tron network, and Solana platform. Moreover, issuing on BNB Smart Chain, Base system, Polygon blockchain, and Arbitrum chain boosts reach.