Get Fast Update on BscScan and Etherscan

Learn how to speed up a token updating on explorers: BscScan or Etherscan.

Meet the great news! If your altcoin is running on Binance Smart Chain (BEP20) or Ethereum (ERC20), you can make it updated within 24h on BscScan or Etherscan. How? It’s elementary. Thanks to the “Priority Support” function, immediate updating is now possible. So, don’t wait. Quickly update the BEP20 token on BscScan. In the case of the ERC-20 asset, make a fast update on Etherscan in the same way. Follow the three simple steps that we describe below. As a result, your coin’s page on an explorer gets a logo, social profile, and more.

Step 1. Submit token information. 

Get an ultimate guide on submitting token information requests on leading explorers. Save a ticket number. You’ll need it in step #2.

Step 2. Fill out a contact form. 

Then, fill out a form with the request’s information. Use this form if you have a BEP20 altcoin that runs on BSC. But if you have an ERC20 altcoin that runs on the Ethereum chain, use this one.

Moreover, both explorers have identical and straightforward forms. Check it out in the image below.

Enter the following information into the form:

  • Your name
  • Official email of your project. Enter the same email that you used to submit the initial request in Step #1.
  • Token’s contract address (0x…)
  • Ticket number. It comes to your email inbox after the initial request submission.
  • Additional info. Write something like that: “Hello, please speed up my coin’s page updating with the logo and social profile.”
  • Finally, pass the captcha and press the “Send Message” button.
Priority token update on Bscscan
Priority Support on BscScan/Etherscan

Note that Fast Update on Etherscan goes through the same process.

Step 3. Wait for Priory Support 

After the contact form’s submission, wait for an email letter from a Priority Support team. Such a letter will come from the official or address. In that way, an explorer’s manager will instruct you about the next steps. 

Other guides to growing altcoin

New Tokpie website look

We’re in Tokpie are excited to introduce you to our new website look.

Please clear your browsing data (cache & cookies) to see the three main changes we have made:

1. Updated Tokpie website provides now a clear message of who we are, what are our advantages and core features.

2. Header and footer navigation system was improved to direct you to the information most relevant to you. A separate link is now available to subscribe on Tokpie news:

3. Partners section with their testimonials were added. TKP page had also been adjusted by adding a price tracking widget.

Why Tokpie is different
Tokpie advantages and features

We’re really proud of the new website and continue updating it by adding new features. Check out the updated website here:

Stay always in touch with TOKPIE to Earn, Trade and Invest as never before.




Happy to announce the latest features added to the TOKPIE platform!

1. You can now hide inactive markets in the Dashboard Section.

Hide markets on TOKPIE
TOKPIE update 1.7 Hide inactive markets option

2. You can now see USD equivalent values in any Order submission page for:
– ETH price you are entering in the price field and;
– a total Order Value (ETH price x quantity).

TOKPIE update 1.7 USD equivalent values

The Knowledge Base tool is still in development and will be launched soon: stay turned in:

Want to grow with us? Stay in touch with TOKPIE.

Beta 1.6.1

Some updates and fixings had been made on TOKPIE platform recently.

1. We add two new sections to the user panel. Now users can reach the most popular information about: “How to earn and get Ethereum every day on a regular basis” and “Earn on referrals” in one click.

Earn free ETH every day
Earn and get Ethereum fast

2. We have fixed registration Captcha check-box. Now it works properly.

3. We have upgraded website server. This is why it was not available for a few minutes yesterday.

4. We have updated a welcome message by adding additional info to it.

Next updated will include not only the release of Knowledge Base portal but also Road Map refreshing.

Want to grow with us? Stay in touch with TOKPIE.

Beta 1.5

After Beta 1.4 (Public API) release, TOKPIE team had done the following upgrades:

1. Markets statistics had been added to the website.

It means that the latest matched prices, 24 hours highest and lowest prices, as well as trade volume, and 24h price changes are visible now to anyone without registration on TOKPIE platform.

Also, by clicking on any row in the Market Statistics a visitor can open the related Order Book.

TOKPIE Market Statistics
TOKPIE Markets

Besides that, the Archive Markets folder contains pairs, which trade operations were successfully finished. It will help people in analyzing bounty stakes trading history and choose the right strategy in the future.

2. The 24h price change information was added to the platform dashboard section.

3. Deposit notification was fixed.

Now users get email notifications every time when deposits come to their account balances.

The next TOKPIE update will be assigned to a highly awaited Knowledge Base system and other useful features.

Want to grow with us? Stay in touch with TOKPIE.