What is BeforeCoinMarketCap (BCMC1) Token?

Find a short description of BeforeCoinMarketCap. Learn more about its BCMC1 token’s benefits. Know how to trade BCMC1 on Tokpie.

Crypto-related B2B business is the most promising niche in the market right now. Two-three blockchain startups are creating their tokens every day! Then these startups become fish for the sharks: trackers, exchanges, and other platforms. Today, let’s learn about the new shark. Let’s discover what’s BeforeCoinMarketCap and its BCMC1 token.

Update: the web is not working.

What’s BeforeCoinMarketCap and BCMC1 Token?

The BeforeCoinMarketCap is aiming to structurize the messy flow of new crypto startups. Despite the name similar to CMC, the BeforeCoinMarketCap doesn’t track cryptocurrencies’ prices. Instead, it provides verified crypto projects with an additional announcement channel. Moreover, BeforeCoinMarketCap’s sophisticated tools allow crypto-passionate people to spot new projects.  

Simultaneously, the holders BeforeCoinMarketCap (BCMC1) token participate in ICOs of new blockchain startups indirectly. Also, they can stake BCMC1 and benefit from tokens’ burning in the future. 

How to buy BCMC1 token?

To purchase BCMC1 tokens for USDT, ETH, or WBTC do three simple steps:

  1. Fund your account with USDT, ETH, or WBTC. Note that you can purchase ETH and USDT with a bank card in a few minutes.
  2. Open BCMC1/USDT, BCMC1/ETH, or BCMC1/WBTC order book, and place your trade order to buy.
    Use this instruction if you don’t know how to place a trade order.
  3. Withdraw BCMC1 tokens to your personal Ethereum wallet or hold them on the account.

How to sell BCMC1 tokens?

To sell BCMC1 tokens for USDT, ETH, or WBTC, follow three steps:

  1. Deposit BCMC1 tokens on your account.
  2. Open BCMC1/USDT, BCMC1/ETH, or BCMC1/WBTC order book, and place your trade order to sell.
    Read the instruction if you don’t know how to place a trade order.
  3. Withdraw USDT, ETH, or WBTC to your personal Ethereum wallet or hold them on your account.

How to deposit BCMC1 tokens?

To deposit BCMC1 tokens on your Tokpie account follow this guide. Make sure that you are going to deposit BCMC1 tokens that relate to the smart contract address: 0xd5e2a54fef5f9e4a6b21ec646bbed7a160a00f18. If you deposit the wrong tokens, Tokpie could not identify your transfer.

Note: Tokpie doesn’t charge any fees for depositing.

How to withdraw BCMC1 tokens?

To withdraw BCMC1 tokens from your Tokpie account, use this instruction. You must have an eth compatible wallet address to be able to withdraw tokens. Also, check the token withdrawal commission.


Please be aware that Tokpie charges a fee for the listing. Tokpie does not give any investment, legal, tax, financial advice, or warranty of token price performance or successful fundraising.

Useful links

For any questions or cooperation, you can contact Tokpie at https://t.me/tokpie.

How to Add Token to the Ledger List

Find the ultimate guide on how to add your token to the list of coins supported by Ledger.

Owners of crypto projects were asking for it for many months. So, here is the guide on how to add a token on Ledger. Moreover, adding your coin to the list of crypto assets supported by Ledger is free.

Also, don’t lose a chance to add your project’s token to the best Token Voting PlatformsMEW and Trezor wallets, Coincodex, CoinCheckup, LiveCoinWatch, Coindataflow, DigitalCoin, Coincost, Blockspot, and TokenInsight trackers. Also, learn how to add price tracking to the coin’s page on BscScan or Etherscan. Then, increase the market capitalization of your token and rank by updating circulation supply on Coingecko. Furthermore, integrate Bank Cards and Apple Pay to increase the tokens’ sales to crypto newbies. And start raising liquidity for your currency on PancakeSwap and Uniswap at no charge. Finally discover, a step-by-step guide to making best currency.

Besides, learn how to improve your cryptocurrency circulation supply on Coingecko.

How to add my token to the Ledger?

To add your token or coin to the list of cryptocurrencies supported by the Ledger, do four simple steps.

Step 1. Open Request Form

Open the request form.

Step 2. Fill the form

Select “Buying / Selling / Swapping crypto in Ledger Live” in the “How can we help you?” field. All the rest fields, fill in as follow:

Name of the fieldYour reply
Your email addressYour official email address
SubjectAdding token to the list of crypto assets supported by Ledger
Where are you stuck?Buy crypto in Ledger Live
Ledger hardware walletLedger Nano X
Firmware version1.2.4-5
Phone or desktop?Desktop computer
Ledger Live version2.20.0
What operating system runs on your computer?Windows 10
64-bits or 32-bits?64-bits
DescriptionFind the same text here.
Filling the Ledger form
Filling the Ledger form

When you finish, hit on the Submit button.

submit the Ledger form
Submit the Ledger form

Step 3. Formulate the description

Then, enter the text into the Description field due to the following template.

Kindly add [token name][token symbol] token (ERC20).

  • Token name: enter your token name
  • Token symbol: enter the symbol of your token 
  • Blockchain: ERC-20 Ethereum
  • Token smart contract address: enter your token’s smart contract address 
  • Etherscan link: enter the link to your token’s smart contract address on Etherscan.
  • Link to the token logo: [link].

Here is an example of such a request:

Hello, kindly add BambooDeFi (BAMBOO) token (ERC20) to the Ledger list: https://www.ledger.com/supported-crypto-assets/
 Token name: BambooDeFi
 Token symbol: BAMBOO
 Blockchain: ERC-20 Eethereum
 Token smart contract address:  0xf56842Af3B56Fd72d17cB103f92d027bBa912e89
 Etherscan link: https://etherscan.io/token/0xf56842Af3B56Fd72d17cB103f92d027bBa912e89
 Link to the logo: https://i.ibb.co/jh3dFzn/Bamboo-token-logo-128.png

Step 4. Check the status of your request

To check the status of your request, go to that page. Then press CONTRL+F (search) and enter your token name or symbol. If you find your token, then relax. You did everything correctly. And All that you can do now is wait for the next Ledger update.

What should I do if I cannot find my token?

If you made step #4 but could not find your token, then do the following:

  1. Open your issue
  2. Write a comment like “Hi, please advise, have you reviewed our application (above)?”

If there is no reaction to your comment on GitHub for a long time, make a post on the Ledger’s Reddit board. Ask the Ledger team to check your request.

What is Ledger?

Like a Trezor, the Ledger is a hardware cryptocurrency wallet. Both wallets are the most popular devices to hold cryptocurrencies in the world. With cryptocurrency booming, it’s a smart idea to have your project’s token listed on both these devices.

What is the list of cryptocurrencies supported by Ledger?

Similar to Trezor’s List, the Ledger has its list of supported crypto assets. Also, the Ledger supports +22 native blockchains and more than +1200 tokens on the ERC20 Ethereum blockchain. Moreover, you should agree that 1200 is not so significant compared to the number of projects in the market and more blockchain startups coming every day. Therefore, Ledger might tighten the rules for adding new tokens soon.

Why is it important to get my token added to the Ledger list? 

After Ledger adds your token to the list, its users can perform the following actions with your cryptocurrency:

  • add accounts with your coin
  • send your coin 
  • receive your coin 

So, spend 5 minutes to complete the steps above. You don’t need to pay for it. As a result, your altcoin will get a beneficial achievement. Don’t forget to share your token progress with your community. Good luck!

Useful links to improve cryptocurrency

For any question or cooperation, you can contact Tokpie at https://t.me/tokpie

What is DFE Finance Token?

Meet a new coin from DeFi sector. Learn more about Dfe Finance and how to trade its DFE token on Tokpie exchange.

Don’t you find it exciting to see how banks fail to battle the decentralized finance sector and crypto yield farming? Fat cats cannot realize that people don’t need banks anymore. In continuation of our DeFi coins’ listings, let’s introduce the Dfe Finance project and its token from Spain. This article summarizes what’s the DFE Finance token and how to trade it on Tokpie.

What is DFE Token?

The limited supply and 50% burning plans might make the DFE altcoin a valuable asset in your wallet. So what’s DFE? DFE token is an ERC-20 token issued by the Dfe Finance project. The ownership of DFE will allow participating in the tokens’ farming, staking, swapping, and governing the project.

How to buy DFE token?

To purchase DFE tokens for USDT, ETH, or WBTC do three simple steps:

  1. Fund your account with USDT, ETH, or WBTC. Note that you can purchase ETH and USDT with a bank card in a few minutes.
  2. Open DFE/USDT, DFE/ETH, or DFE/WBTC order book, and place your trade order to buy.
    Use this instruction if you don’t know how to place a trade order.
  3. Withdraw DFE tokens to your personal Ethereum wallet or hold them on the account.

How to sell DFE tokens?

To sell DFE tokens for USDT, ETH, or WBTC, follow three steps:

  1. Deposit DFE tokens on your account.
  2. Open DFE/USDT, DFE/ETH, or DFE/WBTC order book, and place your trade order to sell.
    Read the instruction if you don’t know how to place a trade order.
  3. Withdraw USDT, ETH, or WBTC to your personal Ethereum wallet or hold them on your account.

How to deposit DFE tokens?

To deposit DFE tokens on your Tokpie account follow this guide. Make sure that you are going to deposit DFE tokens that relate to the smart contract address: 0xd35ce4fd815522ff52243eb587020d557617f4db. If you deposit the wrong tokens, Tokpie could not identify your transfer.

Note: Tokpie doesn’t charge any fees for depositing.

How to withdraw DFE tokens?

To withdraw DFE tokens from your Tokpie account, use this instruction. You must have an eth compatible wallet address to be able to withdraw tokens. Also, check the token withdrawal commission.


Please be aware that Tokpie charges a fee for the listing. Tokpie does not give any investment, legal, tax, financial advice, or warranty of token price performance or successful fundraising.

Useful links

For any questions or cooperation, you can contact Tokpie at https://t.me/tokpie.

What is vSPY Token by ItoVault?

Join DeFi boom with ItoVault. Learn how to trade its vSPY tokens on Tokpie exchange.

The boom of decentralized finance (DeFi) continues. Today, we would like to introduce the ItoVault project and its vSPY token. Like Maker DAO, Itovault allows users to issue tokenized assets on the smart contract vault. These tokenized assets mirror classic market’ indexes or whatever you want to hedge and trade.

IMPORTANT: Pay attention that vSPY token most probably is not an authorized asset. And it can misappropriate S&P’s valuable intellectual property rights. So you should not believe that the vSPY token is authorized, endorsed, sponsored, or licensed by S&P, which is actively engaged in licensing its indices for use in connection with financial instruments, including digital assets. 

What is vSPY token V1_0?

The vSPY Token V_1_0_0 (vSPY V1_0) is a corresponding Digital Asset. The V1 abbreviation means that Itovault will issue V2 to reflect other popular indexes, manage governance, and so on. Anyone can mint vSPY token by sending collateral into Itovault’s smart contract (vault). Also, check the liquidity pool size for vSPY V1_0 on Uniwap.
Use case. Let’s imagine a user wants to open a short position against the index. Then he locks ETH collateral in the vault to mint vSPY tokens that correspond to the index. After such minting, a user sells vSPY in the market for ETH and waits for the index down. When the index touches the bottom, the user buys back vSPY for a lower price to make a profit. Then he returns vSPY to the vault to unlock his collateral. That’s how DeFi works on smart contracts.

How to buy vSPY token?

To purchase vSPY V1_0 tokens for USDT, ETH, or WBTC do three simple steps:

  1. Fund your account with USDT, ETH, or WBTC. Note that you can purchase ETH and USDT with a bank card in a few minutes.
  2. Open vSPY/USDT, vSPY/ETH, or vSPY/WBTC order book, and place your trade order to buy.
    Use this instruction if you don’t know how to place a trade order.
  3. Withdraw vSPY V1_0 tokens to your personal Ethereum wallet or hold them on the account.

How to sell vSPY tokens?

To sell vSPY V1_0 tokens for USDT, ETH, or WBTC, follow three steps:

  1. Deposit vSPY V1_0 tokens on your account.
  2. Open vSPY/USDT, vSPY/ETH, or vSPY/WBTC order book, and place your trade order to sell.
    Read the instruction if you don’t know how to place a trade order.
  3. Withdraw USDT, ETH, or WBTC to your personal Ethereum wallet or hold them on your account.

How to deposit vSPY V1_0 tokens?

To deposit vSPY V1_0 tokens on your Tokpie account follow this guide. Make sure that you are going to deposit vSPY V1_0 tokens that relate to the smart contract address: 0x3e1e15AFD5d50b090aDcC88160dD84a48EA1B80E. If you deposit the wrong tokens, Tokpie could not identify your transfer.

Note: Tokpie doesn’t charge any fees for depositing.

How to withdraw vSPY V1_0 tokens?

To withdraw vSPY V1_0 tokens from your Tokpie account, use this instruction. You must have an eth compatible wallet address to be able to withdraw tokens. Also, Check the vSPY token withdrawal commission.


Please be aware that Tokpie charges a fee for the listing. Tokpie does not give any investment, legal, tax, financial advice, or warranty of token price performance or successful fundraising.

Useful links

For any questions or cooperation, you can contact Tokpie at https://t.me/tokpie.

Get Money Without Cashing Out yOUcash: Borrow YOUC

Learn how to borrow additional YOUC against your existing YOUC at fair-market rates.

Is it possible to get the cash you need today without cashing out your YOUC tokens? Yes! Borrow YOUC against YOUC at fair-market rates. There is no KYC and no minimum amounts. So, If you urgently need money but don’t want to sell your YOUC tokens, read this guide.

How to Get Money Without Cashing Out YOUC tokens?

To get money without losing YOUC tokens, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up or log in to Tokpie exchange.
  2. Make sure that you have YOUC tokens for collateral on your Tokpie account balance.
  3. If you don’t have any YOUC, deposit them from outside. 
  4. Open the Borrow section and select a Promissory note title. For example, YOUC_PN_15_Mar_2021 means a YOUC token Promissory Note with Mar 15, 2021 maturity date. Look at the screenshot below.
  5. Enter how many YOUC Promissory Notes you want to issue. The issue of 1 promissory note is like creating a new digital asset that gives its holder a right to get 1 YOUC token in the future (future is a maturity date, e.g., Mar 15, 2021)
    Note: You don’t make any loans when issuing Promissory Notes. It’s because you’re the holder of these Promissory Notes.
  6. After that, select collateral cryptocurrency. You can choose only YOUC at that moment. You can see the required collateral amount in the grey fields and how much of them available on your balance.
  7. To complete the Promissory notes issuance, check a box and press ‘Collateralized & Deposit’ green button.
  8. If you have enough collateral amount, YOUC Promissory Notes appear on your balance page. So, now you can sell them to get a loan. You can trade promissory notes all at once or partially as any other crypto asset for competitive prices.

TIP: After a successful Promissory notes issuance, you also see them on your balance and Collateralized Assets table.

issue YOUC promissory notes
Issue YOUC promissory notes

How can I sell YOUC promissory notes?

After a successful Promissory Notes issuance, you can sell them to get a loan. You can do it at any time. Just select YOUC Promissory notes that you want to sell by clicking on the related market here.

The selling of YOUC promissory notes is the same process as selling any other cryptocurrencies.
To sell YOUC Promissory Notes click on [SELL], enter quantity, price, and press the [SUBMIT ORDER] button as shown below.

selling youc promissory notes
After promissory notes issuance, Sell them to get a loan

What is collateral?

Collateral is an asset used to guaranty the repayment of Promissory Notes on the maturity date. Currently, you can use only YOUC tokens as collateral assets for issuing YOUC Promissory Notes.

What is the collateral amount?

A user sees the required amount of collateral before promissory notes issuance. The platform calculates it automatically due to the formula:

(Quantity x Price / LTV) x 100, where

Price is a USD equivalent of the current highest BID of the promissory note that will be issued.

Quantity is the number of promissory notes which are going to be issued.

LTV is a Loan-to-Value ratio. LTV ratio varies from 70% to 90%, depending on a user’s subscription plan.

How to increase LTV (Loan-to-Value) ratio?

All Tokpie users get Trial status with a 70% LTV ratio when register. To increase the LTV ratio up to 90%, a user shall upgrade his subscription plan from Trial to the Light, Standard, Premium, or Enterprise plan. It will require a specified amount of TKP tokens locked on a user’s Tokpie account. Check all Plans and their advantages here.

How to settle promissory notes before the maturity date?

Open the Borrow section, and click on the settle button in the related line (screenshot below). As a result, the system unlocks collateral in a few seconds.

Moreover, you do not pay any penalty or fees for the settlement made before the maturity date.

Important: To settle, you must have the same Promissory Notes available on your account balance.

settle promissory notes
Settle Promissory Notes at any time

What if I don’t settle Promissory Notes before maturity date?

The system automatically settles promissory notes that you didn’t settle before the maturity date. The system uses your collateral (locked YOUC) to make auto-settlement. For example, if you had been an issuer of 100 [YOUC_PN_15_Mar_2021], the system will use 100 YOUC from your collateral amount and release the rest collateral back to you.

What is the Annual Percentage Rate?

APR (Annual Percentage Rate) is the annual rate showing the ‘cost’ of borrowing or ‘profit’ earned through lending. The APR formula is

(1-price) / price / number of days until the promissory note maturity date x 365 x 100%.

Borrow APR is a percentage that represents the potential yearly cost of crypto funds if a borrower repays a promissory note on its maturity date. It’s called potential cost because a borrower can settle a promissory note at any time before maturity.

Example: When a borrower receives 0.9 YOUC on Dec 15, 2021, by selling one Promissory Note that matures on Mar 15, 2021, he will have to repay 1 YOUC in 90 days. The cost of that loan is 0.1 YOUC (1-0.9) for 90 days.
In that case APR = 0.1 / 0.9 / 90 x 365 x 100% = 45.06%

Shall I pay fees for YOUC tokens borrowing?

Yes, you pay small trading fees (0.02-0.1%) when selling and buying promissory notes. The size of the fee depends on your subscription plan.

When is it profitable to borrow YOUC tokens?

Due to the constant market fluctuations borrowing strategies could allow you to earn profit and hedge the risks of the YOUC token price dump. For example, you can do the following:

  • Get a YOUC loan when the borrow APR is low.
  • Borrow YOUC tokens and sell them if you urgently need money.
  • Sell YOUC promissory notes (borrow) if the YOUC price is going down.
  • When YOUC overbought (price is too high), it’s better to borrow tokens instead of purchasing them directly in the spot market.

If you have YOUC tokens and believe in the YOUengine project’s bright perspective but urgently needs cash, don’t sell your YOUC. Instead, borrow additional YOUC against your existing YOUC at fair-market rates to get money. There is no KYC and no minimum amounts. Moreover, you can repay a loan without penalties at any time.

Useful links

For any questions or cooperation, you can contact Tokpie at https://t.me/tokpie.

What is Yearn Finance Global (YFIG) Token?

Learn about YFIG Finance project and how to trade its YFIG token on Tokpie exchange.

Today we would like to introduce you to the YFIG Finance project.
Its YFIG token is opening another door to the DeFi and farming. Please read this article to learn about Yearn Finance Global (YFIG) ERC-20 token and how to trade it on the Tokpie.

UPDATE: Pay attention that the project’s website is not working.

What is YFIG token?

The Yearn Finance Global (YFIG) is an Ethereum based token issued by the YFIG Finance project. The YFIG token holders could increase their revenues from decentralized staking and farming. Focusing on building decentralized financial instruments, YFIG Finance helps its users earn on the existing smart-contract-enabled cryptocurrencies. Also, it’s important to note that the project will liquidate its BSCswap, and PancakeSwap soon.

How to buy YFIG tokens?

To purchase YFIG tokens for USDT, ETH, or WBTC do three simple steps:

  1. Fund your account with USDT, ETH, or WBTC. Note that you can purchase ETH and USDT with a bank card in a few minutes.
  2. Open YFIG/USDT, YFIG/ETH, or YFIG/WBTC order book, and place your trade order to buy.
    Use this instruction if you don’t know how to place a trade order.
  3. Withdraw YFIG tokens to your personal Ethereum wallet or hold them on the account.

How to sell YFIG tokens?

To sell YFIG tokens for USDT, ETH, or WBTC, follow three steps:

  1. Deposit YFIG tokens on your account.
  2. Open YFIG/USDT, YFIG/ETH, or YFIG/WBTC order book, and place your trade order to sell.
    Read the instruction if you don’t know how to place a trade order.
  3. Withdraw USDT, ETH, or WBTC to your personal Ethereum wallet or hold them on your account.

How to deposit YFIG tokens?

To deposit YFIG tokens on your Tokpie account follow this guide. Make sure that you are going to deposit YFIG tokens that relate to the smart contract address: 0xf3a231bf11a0ef1a3074cf5a1f5620bc85d975fb. If you deposit the wrong tokens, Tokpie could not identify your transfer.

Note: Tokpie doesn’t charge any fees for depositing.

How to withdraw YFIG tokens?

To withdraw YFIG tokens from your Tokpie account, use this instruction. You must have an eth compatible wallet address to be able to withdraw tokens. Also, Check the YFIG token withdrawal commission.


Please be aware that Tokpie charges a fee for the listing. Tokpie does not give any investment, legal, tax, financial advice, or warranty of token price performance or successful fundraising.

Useful links

For any questions or cooperation, you can contact Tokpie at https://t.me/tokpie.

Stake YOUC Tokens to Get Passive Income

Stake YOUC tokens at fair-market rates, enjoy early repayments without penalties. No KYC and credit checks.

Stake YOUC tokens at fair-market rates. Enjoy early repayments without penalties, KYC, and credit checks. Let your YOUcash (YOUC) tokens do the work! Read this guide to know how to stake YOUC tokens. Alternatively, you can watch a 4-minutes video.

Short video guide on how to stake YOUC and make a profit in two ways.

How can I stake YOUC tokens?

To stake YOUC tokens and earn competitive returns, you need to become a holder of YOUC promissory notes as described below:

  1. Sign up or log in to Tokpie exchange.
  2. Make sure that you have YOUC tokens on your Tokpie account. If you don’t have them, deposit YOUC tokens from outside or buy them on Tokpie markets: YOUC/ETHYOUC/USDCYOUC/WBTC.  
  3. Select YOUC Promissory notes that you want to get by clicking on the related market here. Note that promissory notes have different Maturity Dates and APRs (Annual Percentage Rates).
  4. After you open YOUC promissory note’s market, click on [BUY], enter quantity, price, and press the [SUBMIT ORDER] button (look at the image below). Note that you can buy and sell promissory notes as any other crypto asset.
YOUC promissory notes
Stake YOUC by buying YOUC promissory notes

Can I see YOUC token staking example?

Yes, you can see an example (on the screenshot above) of how to stake YOUC tokens by buying its Promissory Notes.

When you buy 3,000 [YOUC_PN_15_MAR_2021] notes at a price of 0.981 YOUC, it means you lend 2,943 YOUC until MAR 15, 2021. As the result, you will get 3,000 YOUC on MAR 15, 2021. The profit will be 57 YOUC (3,000-2,943).

Moreover, you don’t have to wait for MAR 15, 2021, to get 57 YOUC profit. Alternatively, you can sell YOUC promissory notes at any time before the maturity date!

For example, the price of [YOUC_PN_15_MAR_2021] notes grows up from 0.981 to 0.99 YOUC in 5 days after you purchased them. Therefore, you could sell 3,000 notes for 2970 YOUC. The profit will be 27 YOUC (2970-2943) for five days. That would be an equivalent of 66.97% APR (27/2943/5*365*100%).

A short video example.

What is YOUC Promissory Note?

The YOUC Promissory Note is a digital title that confirms the issuer’s promise to pay 1 (one) YOUC to Tokpie at the specified maturity date. Tokpie, in turn, guarantees to pay 1 (one) YOUC to any holder of one Promissory Note at the maturity date.

Any user can issue YOUC promissory notes and sell them to get a loan. Moreover, anyone can buy YOUC promissory notes to stake (lend) YOUC and earn returns. Because of internal circulation, users can not withdraw Promissory Notes from the Tokpie exchange.

How to get repayment at any time?

To get back YOUC tokens (get a repayment) contributed to the purchasing of promissory notes, sell your promissory notes. You can do it at any time. Just select YOUC Promissory notes that you want to sell by clicking on the related market here.

The selling of YOUC promissory notes is the same process as selling any other cryptocurrencies.

What is the minimum staking amount?

The minimum amount of YOUC tokens that you need to start staking is 1 YOUC. It means that you can use just one YOUC to purchase YOUC promissory notes and start earning passive income.

What is the Annual Percentage Rates for YOUC token staking?

To know the Annual Percentage Rates for the YOUC token, regularly check the Lend APRs for YOUC promissory notes. It helps you to catch the best potential income. It’s called potential because you can sell promissory notes with a profit at any time before the maturity date.

YOUC token lenders and borrowers negotiate interest rates through bargaining on promissory notes prices. As a result, peers are always defining a fair-market APR.

APR (Annual Percentage Rate) is the annualized rate showing the ‘cost’ of borrowing or ‘profit’ earned through lending. The APR formula is:

(1-price) / price / number of days until the promissory note maturity date x 365 x 100%

Shall I pay any fees for YOUC staking?

Yes, you pay small trading fees (0.02-0.1%) when selling and buying promissory notes. The size of the fee depends on your subscription plan.

What passive income strategies can I use?

There are many profitable strategies that you can realize by staking YOUC tokens. Find some possible methods below.

  • Purchase YOUC promissory notes when lending APRs are high.
  • Buy YOUC promissory notes when YOUC token price is going to grow on the spot market.
  • Purchase long-term YOUC promissory notes when YOUC token price is low on the spot market.
  • Regularly buy YOUC promissory notes if you have YOUC tokens’ surplus.

So, what are you waiting for? HODL YOUC and let your tokens do the work! Earn passive income at fair-market rates. There are no KYC, no minimums, and no lock-ups. Start collecting profit in your pocket. Earn the passive income you deserve.

Useful links

For any questions or cooperation, you can contact Tokpie at https://t.me/tokpie.

What is Escoin (ELG) Token?

Learn about Escoin cryptocurrency and how to trade it on Tokpie.

About three years ago, people were questioning how to apply blockchain to real life. Nowadays, that’s not a question. Many companies started to engage crypto in business processes. One of such companies is Escoin. Its business users can hire a lawyer from all over the world. Now they can do it safely in a few clicks and pay with crypto. Most importantly, Escoin (ELG) token helps users to avoid all problems associated with gross-boarder payments.

What is Escoin (ELG) Token?

The Escon (ELG) is an Ethereum based (ERC20) token issued by the Escoin project. ELG cryptocurrency aims to solve one of the biggest problems faced by international law firms and their clients. That problem is the high cost of bank transactions. So, the Escoin token usage allows PraeLegal clients (the global lawyer network consisting of 252 offices in 142 countries) to save up to 25% of bank expenses.

How to buy ELG token?

To buy ELG token for USDT or ETH, do three simple steps:

  1. Fund your account with USDT or ETH. Note that you can purchase USDT or ETH with a bank card in a few minutes.
  2. Open ELG/USDT or ELG/ETH order book, and place your trade order to buy.
    Use this instruction if you don’t know how to place a trade order.
  3. Withdraw ELG tokens to your personal Ethereum wallet or hold them on the account.

How to sell ELG tokens?

To sell ELG tokens for USDT or ETH, follow three steps:

  1. Deposit ELG tokens on your account.
  2. Open ELG/USDT or ELG/ETH order book, and place your trade order to sell.
    Read the instruction if you don’t know how to place a trade order.
  3. Withdraw USDT or ETH to your personal Ethereum wallet or hold them on your account.

How to deposit ELG tokens?

To deposit ELG on your Tokpie account follow this guide. Make sure that you are going to deposit ELG tokens that relate to the smart contract address: 0xa2085073878152ac3090ea13d1e41bd69e60dc99. If you deposit the wrong tokens, Tokpie could not identify your transfer.

Note: Tokpie doesn’t charge any fees for depositing.

How to withdraw ELG tokens?

To withdraw ELG from your Tokpie account, use this instruction. You must have an eth compatible wallet address to be able to withdraw tokens. Also, Check the ELG token withdrawal commission.


Please be aware that Tokpie charges a fee for the listing. Tokpie does not give any investment, legal, tax, financial advice, or warranty of token price performance or successful fundraising.

Useful links

For any questions or cooperation, you can contact Tokpie at https://t.me/tokpie.