How to Create Pool on PancakeSwap: BEP20 Pair Creation

Learn how to create a pair (pool) with your token and TKP on the PancakeSwap DEX.

Pool creation on PancakeSwap

If you’re a crypto startup’s owner who wants to increase the demand for your BEP20 cryptocurrency, then this article is for you. With the help of Popular Altcoins DApp (for projects already listed on Tokpie), and Self-Listing DApp, your token attracts new buyers, grow in liquidity and community. However, to get listed on the DApp, you need to create a pool by providing your project’s tokens and TOKPIE (TKP) altcoins. So, from the following paragraphs, you’ll learn how to make your token/TKP pair on the PancakeSwap decentralized exchange.

How to create a pool on PancakeSwap?

The pool creation process on PancakeSwap DEX requires having two currencies in your wallet and approximately 0.036 BNB to cover the gas cost. For example, we have used the HOTCROSS project’s tokens to show you how to create a pair with TKP coins. 

1. Top up your wallet 

Top up your wallet (TrustWallet or Metamask) with TKP and your tokens (for example, HOTCROSS coins). Note that you can obtain TOKPIE (TKP) BEP20 cryptocurrency on PancakeSwap. Also, don’t forget that you must have around 0.036 BNB for paying gas fees (in fact, you will spend around 0.0173 BNB). 

Top up your wallet with tokens
Prepare two coins in your wallet and Binance (BNB).

2. Open the PancakeSwap: Liquidity section

Open the PancakeSwap’s liquidity tab and connect it with your TrustWallet or Metamask wallet.

3. Create a pool (pair)

On the liquidity page, click on the Add Liquidity button.

click on "Add Liquidity"
Connect with your wallet and press on “Add Liquidity”.

On the next pop-up window (image below), enter the number of your tokens (for example, HOTCROSS) and TKP. Note that you can set any ratio of coins you add. So, in this way, you set the price of your currency in this pool.
After that, click on the Enable buttons for your coin and confirm through the wallet. Also, click on the Enable button for TKP and confirm again.

Enter amounts and confirm them
Entering the number of coins and enabling them.

 Once done, press the Supply button.

Press Supply button
Click on the Supply button.

In addition, the PancakeSwap shows you the resulting rates and requires final confirmation (screenshot below). So, click on the Create Pool & Supply button to finalize the pair creation.

Make final confirmation
Press the “Create Pool & Supply” button to proceed.

Confirm pool’s creating transaction through your wallet (image below).

confirm transaction
Confirm pool creating in your wallet.

Congratulations! Now, you have completed the pool creation and new pair is available for trading.  

How can I get the pool address?

After pool creation, open your wallet on BSCscan and click on the just-generated LP tokens.

Find LP tokens
Find LP tokens in your wallet via BSCscan and click on them.

As a result, you will see the just-created pool address. Copy that address and send it to to get listed on the Popular Altcoins DApp. 

Copy the Pool assress
Copy the Pool Address that you have just created.

How can I see the created pair?

Moreover, you can now find the new pair page on PancakeSwap Finance by inserting the pool address into that link: 


Open your new pair on Pancake Swap Finance
Find your new pair on PancakeSwap Finance.

Profit from the Pool

By adding liquidity you’ll earn 0.17% of all trades on this pair proportional to your share of the pool. Also, note that the fees accrue in real-time by adding to the pool. Moreover, you can claim the funds by withdrawing your liquidity at any time.

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