What is Terra Green (TGN) coin

Discover all important information about Terra Green blockchain and its TGN coin.

What is TGN coin The TGN is a coin built on the TerraGreen blockchain with the SHA-384 algorithm and applied to the TerraGreen ecosystem. A TerraGreen ecosystem is a place where renewable energies are tokenized and can be used by the community in exchange for fiat currency or payment for

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TerraGreen (TGN) coin is going to be listed on TOKPIE exchange

In continuation of the collaboration between TerraGreen and TOKPIE exchange, the parties agreed to list TGN coin on TOKPIE in July 2019. That listing could be found on the TOKPIE’s market statistics section (6 seconds loading time) and on the Coinpaprika markets section. Such listing will allow to buy/sell TerraGreen coin with Ethereum (ETH).

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