Get TerraGreen (TGN) Coins On Your Tokpie Account Balance

Know how to receive TGN coins directly on your Tokpie account balance. No KYC for the amounts below $2500 (US dollars) equivalent.

1. Log in your TerraGreen wallet

2. Click on the “Security” section

Copy email address from your TGN wallet profile

3. Scroll down to Email Address and copy it

4. Sign up Tokpie by using the email address that you have just copied from TGN wallet profile

Sign up Tokpie using your email address copied from TGN wallet profile

Do the above steps to receive TGN coins withing 48 HOURS. This option is valid until August 07 only!

If you have already registered on Tokpie using the email address taken from your TGN wallet profile then do let us know to get your coins.


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