Sell Refine Medium Bounty Stakes to Get Etheum, USDC, and TKP

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How to receive ETH, USDC, and TKP by selling Refine Medium (XRM) bounty stakes before token distribution.

1. After bounty stakes depositing, open the following order books to sell the stakes for TKP at any price you want:

– By clicking on the links above you can submit a trade order at any price you want, check the market depth, view current bids, asks, last matched prices and price charts;
– You may sell and buy XRM bounty stakes only until XRM token distribution event;
– You can check all bounty stakes prices at any time without registration;
– The following trade fees are applied.

2. Get Ethereum (ETH) and USDC.

You can get ETH or USDC at any moment by selling (if want) TKP in the following markets:

Check aggregated TKP price here.

Congratulation! You have monetized your bounty work long before XRM tokens distribution. All that you need now is to settle your obligation on time.

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