Get Ethreum (ETH), USDC and TKP Immediately by Selling Bounty Stakes in Advance

get eth, usdc, tkp

After successful collateralizing and depositing of EFT Round 2 Bounty stakes, you can sell them in few clicks to get TKP, ETH, and USDC as explained below.

1. Sell your stakes on the following markets to get TKP tokens immediately:

– By clicking on the links above you can submit your trade orders at any price you want, check the market depth, view current bids, asks, last matched prices and price charts;
– You may sell and buy EFT bounty stakes (rounds 2) only until
EFT token distribution event;
– All holders of EFT bounty stakes will automatically get EFT tokens on their Tokpie account balances when the campaign has come to the end and in accordance with the conversion’s proportion revealed as the results of the campaign;
– You can 
check bounty stakes prices without registration;
– The following 
trade fees are applied.

2. Get Ethereum (ETH) and USDC.

After getting TKP tokens as explained above, you may easily exchange them (if wish) for ETH or USDC in the following markets:

Check TKP price here.

Congratulation, you have gotten money long before receiving a bounty reward! Just don’t forget to settle your obligation on time.

Useful Links