The collateral rates applied for Bounty Stakes Trading had been decreased!
To intensify bounty stakes trading 2.0, Tokpie has decreased collateral requirements. Now the following rates are applied:
Status | Collateral Rate |
Trial | 3 |
Light | 2.5 |
Standard | 2 |
Premium | 1.8 |
Enterprise | 1.4 |
Collateral rate is applied when a hunter wants to deposit any amount of bounty stakes upfront (before he earned them).
For example, if a trial user (a hunter) wants to deposit 1 facebook stake that has a current best bid price equal to 50 TKP, then the required collateral will be 1 x 50 x 3 = 150 TKP.
Useful Links
- Get ETH upfront for bounty stakes
- For any questions, you can contact us at