Good news for the growing Bitpayer’s community! Today, Tokpie exchange has listed Bitpayer Token (BPT) in the ETH market. So, learn how to trade BPT against Ethereum in few steps.
UPDATE: Pay attention that the project’s website is not working.
What is Bitpayer Token (BPT)
The BPT token is an Ethereum based (ERC20) token issued by the Bitpayer exchange.
- Token Name: Bitpayer Token
- Symbol: BPT
- Token platform: Bitpayer
- Token total supply: 8,000,000,000
- BPT Smart contract: 0x283669123bd83da2536bb534e20512101c18e5d8
What is Bitpayer
Bitpayer is the decentralized exchange that currently supports the Ethereum type of tokens.
Note that the Bitpayer website and exchange are not working anymore.
Also, the Bitpayer team is going to provide users with the currency-neutral DEX where tokens of any blockchain could be traded.
How to trade BPT token
To trade BPT tokens, open BPT/ETH order book and place your trade order.
In case you don’t know how to trade, use this instruction.
How to deposit BPT tokens
To deposit BPT to your Tokpie account follow this guide. Make sure that you are going to deposit BPT tokens related to that smart contract address: 0x283669123bd83da2536bb534e20512101c18e5d8. Otherwise, your transfer will not be identified by the Tokpie exchange.
Tokpie doesn’t charge any fees for depositing.
How to withdraw BPT tokens
To withdraw BPT tokens from your Tokpie account, use this instruction. You must have an eth compatible address to be able to withdraw Bitpayer Tokens.
The minimal withdrawal amount is 110 BPT.
The withdrawal commission is 100 BPT.
Hold or trade BPT tokens?
The future of Bitpayer exchange might be bright If the team could promote it properly. They are going to grow into a full-fledged currency-neutral DEX exchange that will support various cryptocurrencies irrespective of their underlying blockchain technology. It will require to build its own blockchain and Bitpayer token will become a coin. Such migration can also make BPT a mintable coin.
Please be aware that Tokpie charges a fee for the listing. Tokpie does not give any investment, legal, tax, financial advice, or warranty of token price performance or successful fundraising.
Useful links
For any question or cooperation, you can contact Tokpie at