Know why the Blue Checkmark on Etherscan is helpful for TKP token holders.
Today, TOKPIE (TKP) token has received the Blue Checkmark on Etherscan!
The Etherscan Blue Checkmark is displayed on:
- The Profile Summary tag on the TOKPIE (TKP) Token Info page
- Search results (most right)
What does the Blue Checkmark mean?
The Blue Checkmark on Etherscan indicates that the TKP is a token of public interest, reputable and unique. Only the Etherscan team can identify a public interest at its own discretion and reward a token with such Blue Checkmark.
Why is the Blue Checkmark helpful?
Having the Blue Checkmark is helpful for TKP token holders and Tokpie exchange users because of:
- Ease of finding.
There are many tokens with the same symbol, which you may see during a token search on Etherscan. It makes difficult for users to identify which is the actual token contract address. So, the blue checkmark indicates the ‘true’ TOKPIE (TKP) token contract address and maximize visibility during a token search by displaying it on top of other tokens. - Trust and reputation.
The Blue Checkmark is like an award from Etherscan. It lets people know that the TKP token is unique, reliable, has real public interest and complete verified information.
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