Test Grams: How to Get, Use and Trade TON blockchain Test Gram Tokens

Learn all about TON blockchain’s test Gram tokens.

Tokpie and test grams

Great news for all crypto passionate people and TON blockchain’s fans. Tokpie exchange has listed the test Grams for the following purposes:

  • Developers who are planning to use gram tokens need it for testing the TON blockchain, its smart contracts’ functioning, and nodes running. So, now developers can purchase test grams from people willing to sell them on the Tokpie exchange.
  • Tokpie would like to popularize TON blockchain
  • Tokpie aims to test the TON blockchain testnet. It will smooth up the process of becoming a go-to marketplace for Grams tokens in the future.

Remember that test Gram in the TON blockchain testnet are worth nothing. So, if you are not a developer DO NOT buy them.

Moreover, TON’s developers can terminate the test Gram tokens at any moment. In that case, the test Gram tokens on your Tokpie account will disappear. Tokpie is not responsible for any losses caused by the sudden termination of test Gram tokens.

Grams don’t exist yet, nobody can buy or sell them before officially announces the launch of TON Blockchain. So, don’t get scammed.

This article describes only how to get, use, and trade the test Gram tokens issued on TON Blockchain testnet2. Tokpie doesn’t relate to Telegram or its subsidiaries.

What is test Gram token

The test Grams are the test tokens functioning in the TON blockchain testnet2. Developers can use these test Grams in the smart contracts built on the TON blockchain testnet2.

Due to the TON Testnet Explorer, the annual inflation rate for test Grams was just about 0.5% for the first quarter of 2020. Check out the other interesting statistics and trends summarized in the table below.

TON testnet stats
Stats and progress of the TON Blockchain Testnet.

TON could open a new era of blockchains. It is capable of supporting thousands of Dapps (decentralized apps) on a true backend technology. While Facebook’s Libra is going to reinvent how money circulates across the globe, TON wants to improve the entire blockchain industry.

How to create TON wallet

To create the TON wallet go to https://wallet.ton.org/. The following desktop wallets available for downloading:

  • Mac OS
  • Windows
  • Linux 64 bit

IMPORTANT: After downloading, the TON wallet generates a seed phrase. You shall write it down on paper.

How to get TON test Grams for free

To get test Gram tokens for free you can ask telegram bot, participate in airdrops and use other options summarized below.

Ask telegram bot

The most commonly used option to get free test Gram tokens is to ask the official Telegram bots:

  1. Create the TON testnet blockchain wallet;
  2. Go to any faucet and enter your TON wallet address. In a few seconds, you will get 0.001 free test gram. Then send any amount e.g. 0.0009 of test grams to faucet’s devs to UQAMPdBlavu7gq-VGoqK93gd88L9t74WYsBnR1_NJSMh1noh . Only after that, you will start getting +1 (or 0.5) test grams every time when passing captcha. You can repeat it many times to get many tokens
  3. Open @testgiver_ton_bot and send your wallet address. This bot can give you 1 test gram for free once every 3 days!
  4. Open @test_ton_bot and send your wallet address. You can receive about 20-25 test Gram tokens for free! NOTE: Sometimes this bot is not working. If so, try to re-start it and ask again.

Participate in airdrops

Check this airdrop page. The giveaways in test Gram and other tokens happen regularly.

Invite friends

Invite friends and earn up to 70% of trade fees they pay in TestGrams or USDC.

We will be stating here all other reliable ways to get test gram coins for free.

Where to use test gram tokens

First of all, developers who want to implement TON blockchain in their Daaps are using test Grams. Due to https://test.ton.org/, a developer must have from 10,000 test Grams to run the node for testing purposes.

The second way to use test Grams is to play games based on TON blockchain or purchase some services from crypto-dedicated projects. We will add the list of such games and service providers here soon.

How to trade test Grams

To trade test Gram tokens in the TestGrams/USDC market pair, follow the guide below.

Register on Tokpie exchange

Use your email to sign up Tokpie exchange. Then fill a short profile. There is no need to pass KYC for withdrawals below $2500/day.

How to deposit test grams

  • To deposit test grams you need to have a TON wallet. Know how to create it here. To transfer test Grams on your Tokpie account follow this instruction.
  • Note that Tokpie charges 3 test grams per each deposit processing.

How to deposit funds

After registering (only email required) and filling profile (no need to pass KYC for withdrawals below $2500/day) you can deposit the funds.
Note that Tokpie doesn’t charge any commissions for depositing funds.  

Tokpie currently accepts deposits in ETH, USDC, USDT (ERC20), DAI, OMG other assets.

How to buy and sell test grams

Buying and selling test Gram tokens on Tokpie is very simple.

  1. Open TestGrams/USDC order book;
  2. Place your trade order at any price you want;
  3. Wait for matching or use market price for instant execution.

You can trade Test Grams in the same simple mechanics that apply to any other cryptocurrency. Use this explanation to know how to buy and sell.

How to withdraw the funds or test grams

To withdraw funds or test Gram tokens from your Tokpie account follow this instruction. Note that Tokpie charges withdrawal fees.

All Useful links about TON blockchain

For any question or cooperation, you can contact Tokpie at https://t.me/tokpie