Discover the LIFEBIRD token from a decentralized platform that provides immense benefits to people. For example, every holder receives five presents from every successful transaction. Also, the protocol users 3% of each transaction for generating additional liquidity on PancakeSwap in an automated way. Continue reading to get more details on how to trade LIFEBIRD tokens on the Tokpie exchange.
What’s Lifebird’s platform
Lifebird’s platform is a decentralized crypto project that helps people. How? The platform invites and encourages users to be a part of Lifebird’s community. As a result, people deal with real-life struggles effectively and ensure a shared value of transparency. Also, they pay fewer fee transactions and obtain economic inclusion with environmental sustainability.
What’s the LIFEBIRD token?
LIFEBIRD is a BEP20 (BSC) token with 10% taxation. So, the coin’s contract takes ten percent from each transaction. In that way, 5% goes to existing token-holders. Another 3% goes to the liquidity pool. The rest, 2%, goes to the burning address.
- Symbol: LIFEBIRD
- Website
- Token total supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000.
- BSC Smart contract address: 0x72f05a7d3884570a50cD6a491f3629370304fA18.
How to buy LIFEBIRD token?
To purchase LIFEBIRD tokens for USDT do three simple steps:
- Fund your account with USDT. If you don’t have crypto, you can purchase USDT with a bank card in a few minutes.
- Open the LIFEBIRD/USDT order book and place your trade order to buy. Use this instruction if you don’t know how to place a trade order.
- Withdraw LIFEBIRD tokens to your personal BEP20 wallet or hold them on the account.
How to sell LIFEBIRD tokens?
To sell LIFEBIRD tokens for USDT do three simple steps:
- Deposit LIFEBIRD tokens into your account.
- Open the LIFEBIRD/USDT order book, and place your trade order to sell. Read the instruction if you don’t know how to place a trade order.
- Withdraw USDT to your personal wallet (ERC20 / BEP20) or hold them on the account.
How to deposit LIFEBIRD token?
To deposit the LIFEBIRD token into your Tokpie account, follow this guide. Also, make sure that you are going to deposit BEP20 tokens that relate to this smart contract address. If you deposit the wrong tokens or the wrong blockchain type, Tokpie could not identify your transfer.
Note: Tokpie doesn’t charge any fees for depositing.
How to withdraw LIFEBIRD tokens?
To withdraw the LIFEBIRD token from your Tokpie account, use this instruction. Besides, you must have BEP20 compatible wallet address to be able to withdraw tokens. Also, check the withdrawal commission.
Also, please be aware that Tokpie charges a fee for the listing. Tokpie does not give any investment, legal, tax, financial advice, or warranty of token price performance.
Useful links to trade LIFEBIRD tokens
- Market to trade the LIFEBIRD tokens: LIFEBIRD/USDT.
- Also, check trade statistics on Tokpie.
- Moreover, find Tokpie’s trade fees and withdrawal commissions.
For any questions, contact Tokpie at