Crypt-ON (IPT) Conversion Rates

According to the Crypt-ON Turbo Bounty Results,  the following stake-to-token conversion rates were revealed.

Stake-to-token conversion rates

Stake Title IPT / Stake
IPT_Stake_Turbo 44.15
All holders of the above IPT_Stake_Turbo titles will automatically get IPT tokens on their Tokpie account balances, in accordance with the conversion rates revealed above.
Bounty participants who didn’t make stakes depositing or did it partly will also get IPT tokens at the same rates on the moment of token distribution. The date of token distribution will be stated here

Useful links

Betform (BFC) Conversion Rates

Due to the Betform Bounty Campaign results the following stake-to-token conversion rates were determined.

Stake-to-token conversion rates

Stake Title BFC / Stake
BFC_Stake_Bitcointalk_signature_15pc 1,325.14
BFC_Stake_Facebook_15pc 8.78
BFC_Stake_LinkedIn_5pc 11.43
BFC_Stake_Reddit_10pc 73.05
BFC_Stake_Twitter_13pc 8.81
BFC_Stake_YouTube_11pc 185.57

POVcoin Bounty Results and Conversion Rates

In accordance with the Povcoin Bounty results the following stake-to-token conversion rates were defined.

Stake-to-token conversion rates

Stake Title POVcoin / Stake
POVR_Stake_APP_Download_25pc 72 321.4
POVR_Stake_Signature_25pc 3 516.8
POVR_Stake_Video_35pc 1 285.1
POVR_Stake_Video_35pc    171.6

Bounty results

VIDEO campaign spreadsheet
ARTICLE campaign spreadsheet
APP DOWNLOAD campaign spreadsheet
SIGNATURE campaign spreadsheet

What’s next

All holders of the above POVR Stakes titles will automatically get POVcoin tokens on their Tokpie account balances, in accordance with the conversion rates revealed before March 28, 2019.

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