An introduction to P2P cryptocurrency lending on Tokpie

Learn how to lend TKP tokens and earn interest income. How to get cash urgently by holding TKP or Ethereum.

UPDATE: Tokpie has launch P2P lending and borrowing solution: ?


  • When the possibility to earn passive income from token staking is closed, the temptation to sell this token grows.
  • Another problem is that a person having TKP or ETH can face an urgent need for money.
  • To deposit and sell bounty stakes under Bounty Stakes Trading 2.0, hunters will have to pledge TKP tokens as collateral. But what if TKP price is too high and a bounty hunter doesn’t want to buy it.

To solve all the above problems simultaneously, Tokpie introduces a p2p lending solution. It will allow TKP holders to earn income through TKP lending to other people, which need money quickly.

P2P Lending Solution

Basic Principles
  1. Any holder of any TKP amounts could lend them and start earning income.
  2. Any person could borrow TKP tokens, use them or sell immediately to withdraw ETH, USDC or any other listed cryptocurrency.
  3. Lenders and borrowers will be able to negotiate any interest rate by bargaining on price in the related Order Book. The result, fair-market lending interest rates will be defined by people (Figure 2 below).
  4. P2P lending will be based on the same mechanics which are used for collateralizing and asset trading on Tokpie.
  5. Users who want to borrow shall deposit (issue) a Promissory Note by providing TKP or ETH as collateral (Figure 1 below).
    1. The following sale of Promissory Note to lenders gives money to a borrower.
    2. To help borrowers and lenders to make the right decisions, an Annual Interest Rate will be automatically displayed before trade order submission (Figure 2 below). Annual Interest Rate will be calculated due to the formula: (((1-matched price)/matched price)/days until the promissory note expiration)*365*100%
  6. Users who want to lend and earn interest income shall buy a Promissory Note with a discount.
    1. By buying Promissory Note lenders earn incomes due to the formula: (1-matched price)*amount of Promisory notes bought. So the lower a purchase (matched) price the higher income will be earned. Annual Interest Rate is calculated in the same way as stated in clause 5.2 above.
  7. One Promissory Note (PN) is a digital title that confirms the issuer’s promise to pay 1 (one) TKP to Tokpie at a specified date. Tokpie, in turn, will guaranty to pay 1 (one) TKP to any holder of one Promissory Note at a specified date.
    1. Promissory notes in circulation will have different times of repayment. For example, a day of repayment (execution) for Promissory Note title [TKP_PN_15APR2020] will be April 15, 2020.
    2. People could deposit (issue) any quantity of Promissory Notes depending on the amount of collateral pledged.
    3. Promissory Notes could not be withdrawn, but they could be issued, sold, bought, settled (repaid) or held on balance until execution day.
Examples of use case

Alice wants to borrow 95 TKP on January 15, 2020, and willing to pay back 100 TKP in three months.

  1. She deposits (issue) 100 Promisorry notes [TKP_PN_15APR2020] by providing 300 TKP as collateral. See an example in Figure 1 below.
  2. She opens the related order book [TKP_PN_15APR2020] / [ TKP ] and submits a trade order to sell 100 [TKP_PN_15APR2020] for the price she wants. Let’s assume that she wants to sell 100 promissory notes for the price of 0.95 TKP per one. See an example in Figure 2 below.
  3. If any lender e.g. Bob submits a purchase order for the same price (95 TKP), then Alice receives 95 TKP (0.95 x 100) on her balance. At the same time, Bob receives 100 promissory notes. See an example in Figure 2 below.
  4. If Alice doesn’t settle her obligation earlier, then Tokpie will deduct 100 TKP from Allice’s balance on April 15, 2020, to auto-settle her obligation and release her 300 TKP frozen as collateral.
  5. One of the greatest features is that Allice can buy back Promissory notes [TKP_PN_15APR2020] to settle her obligation and release collateral at any time before April 15, 2020. Moreover, she can even try to buy them for a much lower price than she sold before to decrease expenses.

Bob has 95 TKP on January 15, 2020. He wants to earn 5 TKP in interest income for the next three months.

  1. Bob opens the related order book [TKP_PN_15APR2020 / TKP ] and submits a trade order to buy 100 [TKP_PN_15APR2020]. He can set any price he wants! Let’s assume that he buys 100 promissory notes for the price of 0.95 TKP per each. See an example in Figure 2 below.
  2. The result, Bob receives 100 promissory notes and pay 95 TKP for that.
  3. If Bob doesn’t sell the promissory notes earlier then Tokpie will automatically top-up his balance with 100 TKP on April 15, 2020, and deduct 100 Promissory notes.
    1. The result of that trade Bob will earn 5 TKP or 21.34 annual income as shown in Figure 2 below.
  4. Moreover, Bob can sell the Promissory notes for any market price (e.g. higher than 95 TKP ) at any time before April 15, 2020.
Figure 1. Promissory Notes issuing (depositing)
Figure 2. Promissory Notes trading

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