TerraGreen (TGN) Coin Listed on Tokpie

Tokpie exchange has listed TerraGreen (TGN) coin!

TGN coin is now listed and tradeable on the following market:


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Stay always in touch with TOKPIE to Earn, Trade and Invest as never before.

Tokpie partners with Easy Feedback

Partnering with Tokpie will boost Easy Feedback bounty and EFT token sale.

The Easy Feedback Token (EFT) aims to reward people who give useful and private feedback from www.EasyFeedback.com to improve products, services, and processes of companies and institutions. EFT token could be exchangeable for products, services, cryptocurrencies or money at a market price.

Thanks to partnering with Tokpie, Easy Feedback Token will allow people participating in its bounty campaign to partly sell their bounty stakes for Ethereum (ETH).

“We are happy to provide our bounty hunters with the opportunity to trade their stakes directly for Ethereum on the Tokpie exchange,” says EasyFeedback CEO Honorio Ros. “Thanks to Tokpie, bounty hunters should not wait many months before getting paid”.

Tokpie is the first cryptocurrency exchange platform with
Bounty Stakes Trading service where people could earn, trade and invest as never before.

Tokpie CEO, Vasilii Silin said: ‘’We, in Tokpie, are delighted to partner with Easy Feedback Token. The company has a product on the market since 2015 and recently has opened a delegation in Estonia. Many Tokpie users will be interested in buying EFT bounty stakes”.

Easy Feedback helps companies to achieve care excellence towards its customers and promotes creativity to improve company products, services, and processes and therefore improve the world.

Stay always in touch with Tokpie to Earn, Trade and Invest as never before.

Tokpie listed on blockspot.io

We are happy to inform that Tokpie exchange and TOKPIE (TKP) token are now listed in one of the promising crypto databases.

Blockspot.io, founded in 2018, is going to be an informative platform for all topics related to blockchain technology.

What we like most is that Blockspot shows real-time Google Trends!


Tokpie exchange on Blockspot: https://blockspot.io/exchange/tokpie/
TOKPIE (TKP) token on Blockspot: https://blockspot.io/coin/tokpie/

Stay always in touch with TOKPIE to Earn, Trade and Invest as never before.


Happy to share the latest features added to the TOKPIE exchange platform:

  1. Market price auto-filling feature
  2. Additional decimals in USD equivalent price value
  3. Tradable assets selector
  4. Assets descriptions and logos

Market price auto-filling feature

To ease the process of trading order submissions we have added the option to auto-fill the price field with the best ASK/BID currently available on the market. So now if you want to trade for the market price there is no need to enter the price by hands.
For example, (1) select buy/sell, (2) click on [Fill price from market], the result (3) the price of the best order to sell/buy with automatically appear in the price field (Picture 1).

Price from the Market
Picture 1. Auto-filling cryptocurrency price

Additional decimals in USD equivalent price value

To ease the evaluation process we have increased decimals from 2  to 6 in the ‘USD equivalent per one base cryptocurrency’ field (Picture 2). So now if an asset eth price has many decimals like 0.00000001 ETH you anyway see its USD equivalent value.

USD approximate price for asset
Picture 2. Decimals for USD equivalent value

Tradable assets selector

To speed up uploading time and ease an asset search & selection we have added the [Show only tradable] checkbox element on the Balance Details page (Picture 3). So now you see by default only the assets on which you can apply some actions (trade, withdraw or deposit) on the Balance Details section.

tradable cryptocurrency
Picture 3. How only tradable assets

Assets descriptions and logos

To ease an asset search and selection we have marked every cryptocurrency and bounty stake title with the related logo, name, and description on the Balance Details page  (Figure 4). So now you can see that:

  • Bounty Stakes have logos of the related cryptocurrency with small {s} letter inside.
  • The Currency code column shows an asset name used in trading on TOKPIE
  • Currency name column shows an asset related info that can be of two types:
    a) if an asset is a token or coin then by clicking on the related link you see the description of this asset (i.g. blockchain explorer for that token or coin).
    b) if an asset is a bounty stake then by clicking on the related link you see:
    – Conversion rates and distribution status if a bounty campaign for that stakes was finished or
    – the Date when trading on that stake is going to be stopped if a bounty campaign is still active.

Cryptocurrency description
Figure 4. Asset logo and info

Stay always in touch with TOKPIE to earn, trade and invest as never before.

Receive Ethereum for Completing Simple Tasks

Know How to make ETH in seconds by doing tasks online


IPT tokens DISTRIBUTION is planned on April 15 – 20, 2019.

Get Ethereum (ETH) for doing the easiest Crypt-On Turbo Bounty tasks: share, reposting and posting on the social media. Moreover, you can take both: Ethereum instantly and valuable Crypt-ON tokens later.

Start exchanging your bounty work for Ethereum immediately as stakes are earned. No need to wait for many months to get your rewards!


  1. Join Crypt-ON Turbo Bounty running by the TOKPIE’s partner – Crypt-ON to earn some stakes in the following categories: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Steemit, Bitcoin.com (forum).

    NOTE: Crypt-On Turbo Bounty Campaign supports the unlimited number of participants, but is limited in time until March 27, 2019. Check the current number of participants and all stakes earned by them in the Spreadsheet.

  2. Sign up or login TOKPIE exchange. Then click on [Deposit] button to add 50% bounty stakes you have already earned. After a short check-up, the stakes will appear on your TOKPIE account balance.

    NOTE: Don’t click on “Deposit” until you see your stakes in the spreadsheet and strictly follow the instructions when depositing to speed up the processing.

  3. Sell your stakes in the [ IPT_Stake_Turbo / ETH ] market to get Ethereum immediately!

– By clicking on the market you can submit your trade orders at any price you want, check market depth, view current bids, asks, last matched prices and price charts;
– You may sell and buy IPT stakes only until Mar 27, 2019 (end of the Crypt-On Bounty campaign);
– All holders of IPT bounty stakes will automatically get IPT token on their Tokpie account balances during token distribution and in accordance with the conversion’s proportion revealed as the results of the bounty campaign;
– You can check bounty stakes price without registration (6 sec. loading time)
– The following trade fees are applied.



Q: May I see some feedbacks for how it works?
A: Sure, this is our 5th “Get Ethereum instantly” campaign. Check our ANN thread dedicated to the Bounty Stakes Trading.
Also, you can join the discussion of that campaign on Bitcointalk.

Q: How can you prove that this is eligible?
A: Check official bounty campaign and TOKPIE contracting with Crypt-ON.

Q: What is the TOKPIE?
A: TOKPIE is the first cryptocurrency exchange that provides a unique Bounty Stake Trading service to hunters and early investors.

Q: I have questions. Where can I ask them?
A: You can post your questions here or ask them on TOKPIE telegram group.

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Want to grow with us? Stay in touch with TOKPIE.

TerraGreen (TGN) coin is going to be listed on TOKPIE exchange

In continuation of the collaboration between TerraGreen and TOKPIE exchange, the parties agreed to list TGN coin on TOKPIE in July 2019.

That listing could be found on the TOKPIE’s market statistics section (6 seconds loading time) and on the Coinpaprika markets section. Such listing will allow to buy/sell TerraGreen coin with Ethereum (ETH).

TGN coin on TOKPIE
TOKPIE market statistics

TGN on Coinpaprika
Coinpaprika markets section

What is the TerraGreen (TGN) coin

TGN Coin is a cryptocurrency build on own TerraGreen blockchain Platform, SHA-384 hash function. TerraGreen Coin belongs to Platform Coin. TerraGreen is going to introduce Energy Token Creation Module. Any renewable energy producer will be able to Create Energy Token and raise part of capital required to finance the renewable energy producing by selling off some part of Joule that will be produced in the future on the Terra Green network, in a form of energy Token.
Respectively, the TGN coin as an energy cryptocurrency could be purchased by investors or green energy buyers safely.

TGN coin can be bought with a great discount through TerraGreen ICO only until May 02, 2019.

Want to grow with us? Stay in touch with TOKPIE.